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Once me and Jisung were both done getting dressed, we got out of our tent and walked up to everyone letting them know that we could head to the stargazing spot now.

"Okay, so where exactly were you guys thinking about going to set up?" I had asked as we started walking away from our campsite.

"Well...while you were showing us around the forest we had ended up walking through a nice spot that had no trees covering up the sky. So we thought that we would go there to look at the stars for the night. What do you think?" Changbin explained to me and Minho.

"That's okay. Let's get going then." I said, grabbing onto Jisung's hand while squeezing it gently.

"Okay! Let's go!" Jisung exclaimed excitedly while pulling me with him up to the rest of the group with a giggle.

"Jisung slow down! You're going to rip my arm off if you keep pulling on it like that!" I exclaimed with a laugh.

After a while of walking around we finally got to the spot that we would be looking at the stars. As everyone was finding nice spots to either sit or lay down I gently tugged on Jisung's arm to get his attention. Once I had it, I motioned for him to sit down beside me. Before Jisung could sit down I pulled him down onto my lap and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"H-hyung!" Jisung said as he started to blush a deep shade of crimson red.

"Shh...I need to tell you something." I mumbled as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"What do you need to tell me? Is it bad? Are you h-" Jisung started to shoot questions at me when I cut him off with a soft laugh.

"No, I'm okay." I said.

"Then what did you need to tell me?" Jisung asked as he turned his head towards me.

"Did you know that tonight is going to be my last night out here?" I asked him.

"No? Are you leaving?" Jisung asked with worry in his voice.

"Yeah, but you and the others are leaving as well. Tonight is going to be our last night out here. We do have to go back home eventually, you know. Besides...we still have to go to school." I said as Jisung hit my shoulder lightly.

"Don't scare me like that! I thought something was happening to you!" Jisung said with a pout.

"I'm sorry baby." I said softly before hugging him closer to me.

"Let's look at the stars now. They're really pretty. What do you think Hyung?" Jisung asked me.

"Yes, you're really pretty." I said, making Jisung blush deeply.

"Hyung~ You can't say things like that so out of the blue." Jisung said with a playful pout on his face.

"Oh yeah? And why do you say that? I would really like to know." I said as I slightly tightened my grip around his waist.

"W-well...b-because it's embarrassing. And you already know about how shy I am..." Jisung said before trailing off while looking at me with a slightly blushing face.

"...Cute..." I whispered out quietly before leaning down and snuggling my face into his neck gently as he let out a small giggle.

"So what do you think about the stars that are out right now? Don't you think that they're pretty?" Jisung had asked me once again.

"They are gorgeous, but you still out shine them all." I whispered into his ear softly before planting a gentle kiss on the spot right behind his ear and earning a quiet giggle back from him.

"I...I think I'm falling in love with you Hyung..." Jisung mumbled out softly as a soft blush appeared on his face.

"I love you too Sungie." I mumbled back and planted a gentle kiss onto his lips before laying down on my back and looking back up towards the stars that were directly above our heads with Jisung cuddling into my chest as we held each other with so much love, care, and contentment for one another.

While the rest of the group was looking up at the stars I couldn't help but look back down at Jisung. As I was looking at him I realized that he had ended up falling asleep on my chest. I let a small smile appear on my face as I looked at him sleep. I slowly reach my hand up to Jisung's face and gently move the hair that had fallen into his face behind his ear.

"Mhmm..." He hummed as he shifted his position on top of me so that now his face was buried into my chest.

"Sleep well my little angel. Sweet dreams." I said gently and felt myself strat dozing off while under the stars as well.

'Damn... I'm really gonna miss being able to do this with you in my arms once we go back home for school in a few days. Oh well, I don't have to worry about that until the day comes. So for now...I'll just stay and enjoy the moment because right here, right now. It feels like a dream that is all too good to actually be true.' I thought to myself before letting my eyes close and fall asleep with my angel sleeping in my arms.

Throughout the entire time that I was sleeping, I only had one thing going through my mind while I was sleeping. And that was how happy I had become ever since I had met this person known as Han Jisung. I didn't think that I would ever end up falling in love again. But here I am, head over heels in love with this squirrel.

Here you all go. And sorry that it is so late.

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