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"What was that all about Minho?" Chan asked me once we were alone while he was helping me set up one of the tents that was brought with us.

"What are you talking about?" I asked back as I put the last peg into the dirt and stepped back to admire our work.

"Y'know. What had happened at your house." He clarified for me.

"Oh. That was nothing. You don't need to worry about it." I said as I sat down on one of the logs sitting around the area we were gonna have our campfire.

"If you say so, but know that I'm here if you need to talk to someone. If you need to, that is." Chan said back as he sat beside me.

After what Chan had said, I was left thinking to myself about a lot of different things that I have never thought about before.

'I know that there is something going on at home, but I don't want to drag my friends into my problems. What do you think that I should do, conscience?' I asked myself.

'Do it. I know that you want to, so why don't you just do it?' My conscience said back to me.

'Okay, but when I get back home. I didn't bring any of them with me.' I said back.

After I said that I knew that there was no going back from my decision now that I have made it. As I was deep in my thoughts I didn't realise just how long that I had been talking to myself while sitting on this log. Going back to what I was thinking about I realised that I haven't touched my blades in a while and just noticed the longing feeling I felt whenever I think about what I had planned to do once I get home after these two weeks of camping with my friends.

A few hours later Chan had said something about us needing to figure out who was going to be sharing tents because there needs to be two people per tent since there are only four of them, and eight of us. After the pairs were made, I ended up sharing a tent with the one and only Han Jisung. The hyperactive squirrel. When I had finished setting up my stuff in the tent that I would be sharing with Jisung, I got out of the tent and went over to Chan who was busy setting up something so that we could start making dinner.

"Do you need any help Chan hyung?" I asked, scaring the living hell out of him, making me laugh.

"YAH! Don't do that to me! You could've killed me, you ungrateful brat!" Chan yelled at me jokingly as he clutched at his chest where his heart is at, making me laugh even harder.

"I'm sorry! But that- your reaction was PRICELESS!!!" I had managed to say before bursting into even more laughter.

"Meanie." Chan said while pouting, before turning away from me.

"I'm sorry, Hyungie~" I cooed at him cutely before I started to help him set up whatever it was that he was trying to put together.

{After dinner}

When everybody was done eating their food we had decided to go to sleep so that we could eventure into the woods and see if we could find any nice places to hang out at, much to Chan's disagreement.

{Another few hours later}

"Did you guys find a nice place?" Changbin asked once everyone else said that they didn't.

"Yeah. Me and Sungie found a really nice swimming pool that has a beautiful waterfall beside it. You guys will love it." I said back before telling them more about the place that me and Jisung had found while we were goofing around in the woods.

"He's right. Hyung almost didn't want to leave. I had to drag his heavy ass back here to the campsite." Jisung said with a pout that I'm guessing he thinks that looks angry when really, it looks absolutely adorable.

Hope that you all like this chapter!

I'll try to post again sometime this week!

Love you all lots! 

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