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{Jisung's P.O.V}

I don't know when it happened, but it did. Me and Minho hyung had ended up falling asleep, and now it was dark out. I felt my body stiffen in fear as I heard rustling in the bushes that were only eight feet away from where me and Minho were sitting.

"M-m-minho hy-hyung. W-wake up!" I whispered harshly at him as I shook him.

"What Jisung? Leave me alone~" He wined cutely in his sleep as he tightened his grip around me.

"Wake up! We slept the whole day, and now it's dark out!" I I said as my panicky stat grew when I saw something coming out of the bushes. I became dead silent.

"Sungie? Why did you stop winning?" He mumbled before opening his eyes and looked to where I was looking only to freeze up just like me.

There, eight feet in front of us, stood a wolf. Un-moving, just like me and Minho. Not knowing what to do, I slowly got off of Minho's lap and sat down beside him, making sure that the wolf could see my hands. Once I had sat down the wolf started to walk towards us.

'No no no no no. I don't wanna die like this! Please God, don't let me go out like this!!! I wanna know what it feels like to fall in love, to be loved, and to cuddle with the one that I plan to grow old with!' I thought to myself as I begged any type of god that lives to spare mine and Minho's lives. Next thing that I know the wolf was licking my face as it wagged its tail furiously.

'Awww~ Okay, that's really cute.' I thought as I slowly brought my hand up for the wolf to sniff before petting it gently.

"What are you doing Jisung! You don't know if it's gonna bite you!" Minho yelled, making me jump since it startled me.

"It's not gonna hurt me, it's nice. See?" I said as I continued to pet the adorable wolf.

"You are one of a kind Han Jisung. I swear." He said under his breath as he hesitantly put his hand in front of the wolf before slowly petting it as well.

After a while we decided that it was time to go back to our campsite, but when we got up to leave the wolf got up with us, and started to follow us back to our campsite.

"What are you doing Wolfie? You know you can't come with us right?" I heard Minho say, making me stop and look behind me confused.

"Awww~ Hey Wolfie! Do you wanna come with me and Minho hyung?" I cooed at Wolfie as I bent down and scratched the spot right behind his ears.

"Jisung. He's not allowed to come with us. Do you know how the others would react if they saw a wolf with us?" Minho asked in a slightly louder voice than usual.

"But-" I started, but got cut off by him.

"No 'but's' Jisung. He needs to stay here." He said in a flat tone.

"You know he's gonna keep following us anyway. So why does it matter if we let him join us or not?" I said in an upset tone as I picked Wolfie up, and held him close to me.

"Fine. He can come with us. BUT! If they ask about Wolfie, then you're going to explain him to the others. You understand?" Minho said.

"Yay!~ You're coming with us Wolfie!" I said as I spun in a circle carefully as I continued to hold my new pet.

"We need to keep walking Ji. Come on, let's go." He said.

{While later}

"Hyung, I'm tired." I mumbled as I felt myself falling asleep.

"Stay awake just a little while longer, Sung. We're almost there. I promise." He said softly.

I don't know how much longer we walked, but I do know that we were finally back at the campsite. Once we were close enough Chan immediately ran up to us and pulled me and Minho into a tight hug.

"Be careful!" I yelled as I pulled Wolfie closer to see if he was okay, and not hurt in any way.

"Jisung..." Chan hyung said slowly.

"Yes hyung?" I asked.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE A WOLF!!!" He yelled, startling me and Wolfie.

"He's my new pet. His name is Wolfie." I said as I pet Wolfies' head.

Hey everyone!

I hope that you are having a good day/night.

Also hope that you are enjoying my book so far.

If you have any opinions, please leave them in the comments!

Thank you~

I love you all so much.


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