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"Welcome back you brats!" My absolute favorite teacher had yelled out sarcastically the second that I had stepped foot into the history classroom.

"Oh shut up you old hag. There isn't one single person in this room who wants to hear your loud and annoying voice. Okay?" I said in a snappy tone as I sat down in the chair next to Jisung and laid my head on top of his shoulder.

"Excuse me young man. Do you know who you're talking to? I am your teacher, and I will not tolerate you talking to me like that!" The teacher yelled at me.

"You're excused. Now get out. Leave. These people don't want you here." I said, earning a few soft giggles from some of the people sitting around in the room.

"Lee Minho! You need to watch who you're talking to! I am your teacher! So you need to start showing me some respect! Do you understand me!?" The teacher yelled out in anger.

"Yeah yeah, sure. Do what you want. I'm gonna get some shut eye. I'm tired and don't want to keep looking at your ugly face. Have fun teaching a class full of people who aren't even gonna be listening to you." I said before closing my eyes and falling asleep on Jisung's shoulder. As I was laying my head on his shoulder, I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together so that I wouldn't punch the table out of annoyance.

"You little-" She started.

"Ms. Eve, please don't be too angry with him. He had a really bad start this morning. Could you possibly let his comments go just this once? He didn't get the chance to sleep much last night either because we were up all night studying." Jisung said, interrupting her.

"I guess so. You got lucky this time Minho. Don't be expecting another pass like this again." Ms. Eve stated before turning to look at her computer so that she could begin to take attendance for the day.

"You know that you didn't have to do that for me, right?" I said as I lifted my head up off of Jisung's shoulder.

"It's okay. Besides, you know I don't like it when you get yelled at by other people in front of me. I don;t like seeing you getting into trouble. Now pay attention!" Jisung yelled at me playfully at the end of his small lecture for me.

"Okay, I'm sorry baby. I love you." I said, grabbing his hand and placing it on my lap so that I can hold on to it throughout this long and boring lesson.

"I know that you do. And I also love you too." He whispered softly into my ear before going back to paying attention to the teacher's lesson.

. . .

"Hey Jisung! Do you wanna come over to Minho's house with us later tonight after school? We're gonna be having a guy's night." Changbin asked as we were all walking to the cafeteria now that our longest class for the day was finally over.

"Hmmm...well I would have to ask my parents if it's okay first. But sure! It sounds like a lot of fun." Jisung answered.

"Hey! Who said that you could invite other people over to MY house!? If you wanna hang out with people, invite them over to your house!" I said with a huff of annoyance.

"But hyung! It's your baby that I was inviting! You don't want Jisung to see your house and spend a perfectly chaotic night with all of us? Why?" Changbin had asked as he threw his arm over Jisung's shoulder and leaned over to look at me.

"If you don't want me to come over I won't. All you have to do is tell me and I can act like I never heard Changbin hyung invite me in the first place." Jisung said as he looked up at me.

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