18 1 1

After everyone had calmed down from finding out about me and Jisung dating, we all sat around in a circle quietly.

'Well this is awkward...' I thought to myself as I continued to hold Jisung's hand in mine as our connected hands lay in his lap.

"Well...what do you guys wanna do?" Jisung said uncomfortably as I squeezed his hand gently in comfort hoping that it would calm him down a bit.

"Hmmm...can we cuddle Sungie?" I asked as I laid my head on his shoulder cutely.

"Sure! If that's what you wanna do. I'm down." Jisung said as he ran his hand through my hair softly making me let out a soft hum of approval.

"Didn't you both just come out of bed though?" Hyunjin asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, and?" I asked as I and Jisung got up from out of our seats.

"Nevermind. Go ahead and cuddle with your boyfriend." Hyunjin mumbled as he went back to eating his breakfast.

"I planned on it. Let's go Sungie." I said, and walked back to mine and Jisung's tent so that the two of us could cuddle some more.

"Okay Hyungie!" Jisung said cutely.

Once me and Jisung were alone and in our tent I zipped the door closed and pulled Jisung against my chest as I hugged his waist gently. I let out a soft hum of content as I enjoyed having my squirrel in my arms. As I was holding Jisung I felt him wrap his arms around my waist effectively hugging me back. I buried my head into his neck as I pulled him even closer to me.

"This...I like this..." I mumbled as I pulled away slightly before pecking Jisung on the lips quickly.

"Hyung...can I ask you something?" Jisung asked me gently.

"Mhmm...of course you can babie. You can always ask me anything. Is there something wrong?" I said as I pulled away to look at him with worry.

"No. I-...what do you see in me that makes you want to date me?" Jisung asked hesitantly as he pulled away from me and sat in front of me.

"1. I don't like you Jisung...I love you. 2. I love how gentle and caring you are when it comes to others around you. I love how shy you can get when it comes to me wanting to be clingy and demanding cuddles from you. 3. You're amazing Jisung and I don't know how it would have been possible for me to NOT fall in love with you at all. You are the light in my life and I never want to lose you. You're so beautiful, amazing, talented, and so much more. I'm so glad that you accepted to date me and not somebody else. Do I need to keep going?" I said lovingly as I pulled Jisung onto my lap as I hugged him and sweetly rested my cheek on the top of his head lightly.

"I...I love you too you really mean everything that you had just said about me?" he asked me as he looked up at me cutely.

"Yes, Sungie. I meant every word." I said as I laid down, and made Jisung lay on top of me.

"What do you wanna do later Hyung?" Jisung asked me lazily.

"Hmmm...what would you like to do later baby?" I asked gently as I enjoyed holding Jisung in my arms gently.

"Umm...can we make a campfire tonight and make s'mores with everyone and play 21 questions?" Jisung asked hesitantly.

"How about we also make lunch for everyone together later so that Chan Hyung can take a break." I said thoughtfully to Jisung as I pulled him even closer to me. "But don't tell him. Let's make it a secret okay?"

"That sounds like fun!" Jisung said in excitement.

"Come on. Let's lay down." I mumbled softly as I layed down and opened my arms for Jisung to lay down to where I could wrap my arms around him.

I don't know how long we were laying there but when I looked down at Jisung he was passed out sleeping. 'Cute.' I thought to myself as I gently ran my hand through his hair. After a while I guess I fell asleep because I found myself waking up to someone softly running their hand through my hair.

" that you Sungie?" I mumbled out lazily as I slowly started to fall back asleep as he kept running his hand through my hair.

"Mhm, yeah. You can go back to sleep Hyung. I'll wake you up when it's time to go and eat, okay?" Jisung said as he ran his hand back through my hair making me let out a soft hum of content.

"Okay baby." I mumbled.

"Sleep well Hyung." Jisung whispered quietly before my eyes closed and I fell back asleep

Hey, sorry it has been a while since I last updated. School and homework has been busy so I hope you understand. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! And if you want to keep reading then please follow me for more! 



Love ya lots!

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