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{Jisung's P.O.V}

I loved seeing Minho Hyung clingy. I find it so cute. Does that make me weird? Yes? Okay. Well anyways, me and the others are just sitting around our 'man' made campfire talking about our day and we also thought about what we should do tomorrow once everyone woke up in the morning.

"I have an idea." Changbin said from beside me excitedly.

"No." Minho Hyung immediately said, effectively stopping Changbin from saying anything else and making him pout.

"Awww~ Don't pout Binnie! It's okay. We can always do that some other time, okay?" Felix said, trying to comfort his loving boyfriend.

"Why did you say no Minho Hyung? Binnie Hyung didn't even get the chance to say what his idea was." I said in confusion.

"Trust me Sungie. You don't wanna know what it is that he was going to suggest that we do." He said as he laid his head down on my lap so that I could start to play with his hair.

"But I do wanna know Hyung!~ Please let him say his suggestion." I said cutely with a pout on my face as I looked down at him.

"Fine, but we're still not going to play it." Minho said with an annoyed look on his face as he huffed.

"Well, tell us your idea Binnie Hyung! I wanna know." I said as I looked around. At that moment I realised that everyone was looking at me and Minho Hyung with looks of shock on their faces.

"What? What's wrong? Is there something on me?" I asked uncomfortably as I squirmed under all of their gazes.

"N-nothing. Well, my idea was that we should play a day-long game of truth or dare." Changbin said.

"I don't understand. Why don't you wanna do that Hyung?" I asked, looking down at the hottie dozing off on my lap.

"Because it's not where you sit in a circle all day with a bottle. It's where one person is the questioner first and they get to go up to a random person and ask them 'truth or dare', and depending on their response they have to do a specific thing." Minho explained.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It's like if you say dare you get a dare and you have to do it. If you choose not to do your dare, then you get a punishment. Same thing goes for the truth. If you don't answer the question you are asked, then you will get a punishment. Does that make more sense now?" Minho asked me once he was done explaining everything to me.

"Yeah. I think that we should do that. It sounds like a lot of fun!" I said excitedly.

"Really!? Yay!~" Changbin said happily as he hopped over to me giving me a thankful hug.

"No problem. Besides, I do want to play it. It sounds interesting." I said as I gave Changbean a hug back.

After I said that we should play the game tomorrow I felt Minho Hyung get up from my lap and get into a sitting position. I look over at him with a look of confusion on my face. I leaned over to him and asked quietly if he was okay. He looked over at me with a look on his face that I didn't understand.

"I'll talk to you later. Alright, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning." Minho said as he stood up and left for our shared tent after telling everyone he was going to sleep.

"Do you know what that was about Jisung?" Chan Hyung asked me.

"U-umm....I'm gonna go to bed as well. G-good night." I said hurriedly before rushing off to the tents.


Once I was at my tent I unzipped the 'door' and stepped in. After I was in the tent I closed the 'door' and walked over to my aired up mattress. A few minutes later I looked over at Minho Hyung and saw that he was sleeping. I crawled over to him and looked at him as he slept. But before I knew it I was being pushed down onto my back as Minho got on top of me with a weird look on his face.

"H-hyung? Wh-what a-are you doing?" I stuttered out in shock as my face grew a dark shade of red.

"I told you that I would talk to you later. Did I not?" He asked as he leaned down towards my neck.

"Y-y-you d-did." I said hesitantly.

"Well, how about we have a talk then? I think you deserve a punishment Sungie. What do you think?" Minho said as he lightly pressed his lips onto my neck.

"H-hyung..." I breathed out shakily.

"Hmmm?" He hummed against my neck as he continued to kiss his way down it towards my collar bone.

"Wh-what a-are you d-doing?" I managed to ask as I tried to not let out an embarrassing noise.

"Let's have some fun Sungie. What do you say?" He asked as he looked me in the eyes.

"I-" I got cut off by Minho smashing his lips onto mine, making me let out a moan of pleasure.

"Dame squirrel. Make that sound again." Minho groaned as he pressed his body against mine gently making me whimper.

And before I knew it Minho's lips were being pressed against mine in a hungry kiss. After a few minutes Minho pulled away for a few seconds before smashing his lips back onto mine. Before I could do anything Minho was pinning my hands above my head as he latched his lips onto my neck as he kissed and nibbled on my sweet spot, driving me mad for more as I let out another moan of pleasure.

"H-hyung~" I said as I bucked my hip up into him.

He pushed me back down by my hips as he continued to mark up my neck ruthlessly.

"Oh fuck Jisung. You're so damn addicting. I just can't get enough of you." Minho mumbled against my neck as he continued to suck on it roughly.

I couldn't help but to grab a fistful of his hair as I pulled on it in pleasure. Before I knew it I was letting out an even louder moan as Minho ran his tongue over the sensitive part that lays right behind my ear. He was only making me an even bigger mess and he was loving every second of it.

You're welcome!

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