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After Jisung and I put our stuff in our lockers, we walked to the cafeteria for lunch. I could tell that Han was nervous so I gently patted on his shoulder to try and calm him down a little. It worked. The second we stepped foot into the room I saw my stupid friends.

"Oh god...." I said when I didn't see Changbin anywhere.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jisung asked.

"I don't see the trashbin." I said with a sigh.

"'s right beside you tho. How did you not see it when we walked into the room?" He asked, confused.

"No, not that trashbin. One of my friends." I explained to him.

I could tell he was still confused, but I didn't say anything else and walked over to my friends. While Jisung was walking behind me I could tell that he was still nervous.

"Hey! Minoh! Have you seen Changbin? I can't find him." Felix asked me the moment I stopped walking to them.

"No, Felix. Now go find your own boyfriend. I'm not helping you this time." I said rolling my eyes. "This is Jisung by the way. He is the new kid." I said stepping to the side so that my friends could see him.

"HANNIE! I missed you so much!" Felix yelled, throwing himself into Han's arms.

"Hey Lix. I missed you too. How have you been?" Han asked, hugging Felix back.

"Good. I got myself a boyfriend now. What about you? Did you find yourself a sugar daddy yet?" Felix asked casually as Jisung choked on air.

"Don't say stuff like that Felix! I don't need people knowing about my non-existent love life!" He whispered while he yelled, smacking Felix on the back of the head.

"Ow~ Why did you hit me?" Felix whined.

"Who hit my baby?" Changbin demanded as he came out of nowhere scaring all of us except for Felix and Jisung.

"Changbin? Seo Changbin? THIS is your boyfriend?" Jisung asked, trying not to laugh at Felix.

"Wait a second...I know that voice. Jisung? Han Jisung? The stupid squrrle boy? Boi, come give me a hug!" Changbin yelled happily as he pulled Jisung into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm confused. Please explain to me what's happening." I said.

"Did you not tell him about us Hannie?" Felix said with a pout on his face.

"Sorry. I didn't want to say something unless he brought it up. He never did so I didn't mention it. I will do it next time. I promise."

"Well anyways, this is the rest of our friends. They are Chan, Jeongin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin." Felix said pointing to everyone as he said their names. "Everyone, this is Han Jisung. Mine and Changbin's childhood best friend." Felix said surprising everyone but me.

"Changbin had friends before he met us? That's so shocking! I didn't know you had that kind of friendliness in you hyung." Hyunjin said dramatically.

"Why are you my friend again? I don't know why I still hang out with you. You're so stupid." Changbin said before he started to ignore Hyunjin.

"No~ Don't ignore me. I'm sorry. I was just joking with you." He said, trying to get Changbin to talk to him, but he just kept catching up with Jisung and Felix.

.   .   .

As we were eating the food we brought for lunch, we heard yelling coming from inside of the school cafeteria. I wonder what happened this time. I look up from what I was doing only to see my history teacher storming towards our table.

"What did you do this time Minho?" Chan asked looking at me with an annoyed look on his face.

"I honestly have no idea what I did this time." I said before going back to eating my food.

"LEE MINHO! Do you really think that I'll let you get away with cheating on your homework!" The angry teacher yelled at me before throwing some papers at me.

"What are you talking about? I didn't cheat on my homework this time. Ask my friends." I said annoyed that he was interrupting me from eating my lunch.

"Well? Did you help him cheat?" He (the teacher) asked.

"No. We saw him do it on his own. I helped him when he needed it, but none of us did it for him. Why? Is it bad? Did he fail it?" Chan asked.

"No he didn't fail it! He aced it! That's how I know that he cheated on it!" Mr. Teacher yelled.

Tired of all the yelling I picked up the papers he threw at me and looked at them. Huh... I did ace it. As I was looking over the paper that I stayed up late to work on, the teacher snatched it out of my hands.

"You have detention after school Mr. Lee!" the teacher yelled before he started to walk away.

"You can't give someone detention for doing their homework! It's against school policy!" I yelled with a smirk on my face. The teacher stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. That's when I saw how red his face was making my smirk grow even bigger.

"I can give you detention because you cheated on this assignment." he spat out in anger.

"Where is your proof? I stayed up almost all night doing my homework. Ask my parents. I didn't cheat. So I'm not going to your after school detention." I snapped back. I'm starting to get really annoyed by this teacher.

"You stayed up? For homework? For real? Okay. He is telling the truth. He never gives up his sleep. It also explains why you have seemed tired all day long." Chan said with a shocked face.

"You know what? I will call your parents. And once they tell me that you didn't stay up doing your homework all night then you will have after school detention for a month! Do you understand me?" Teacher said.

"Sure. But when you get told that I'm telling the truth, you have to apologize to me in front of the whole school. Or, I tell the principal about your behaviour towards another student." I said with a smirk still on my face.

"I'm doing no such thing." He said.

"Well I guess I'll be making a stop at the principal's office then." I said turning back around so that I can continue eating my lunch.

"Fine. I'll do it. But you will be the one getting detention." The teacher said before walking away.

"You really stayed up doing homework?" Chan asked me.

"Yes Chan, I did, Get over yourself." I said with a sigh.

That's where the conversation ended. I then continued to eat my lunch quietly.
Hello. I don't know if this is any good so please let me know! Thank you!

 I don't know if this is any good so please let me know! Thank you!

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