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I have no idea how Jisung is going to react to me for what I did to him. I just couldn't stop myself from kissing him. It felt so good. I looked down at Jisung as I ran my hands through his hair while he's sleeping. As I was looking at Jisung I heard our tent zipper being opened making me look up.

"Good morning Chan Hyung. Did you need something?" I asked as I kept running my hand through Jisung's hair gently.

"It's time for breakfast. Will you wake up Jisung please?" He asked me.

"Ummm...I don't think that's a good idea." I said slowly.

"Why?" Chan asked back.

"I...I couldn't control myself last night. My feelings got the best of me and now I don't know how he will react to me once he wakes up." I said as I felt myself getting close to tears.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry. It'll be fine. I don't think Jisung will be mad at you. Just talk it out with him once he's awake okay?" Chan said as he tried to comfort me.

"O-okay. Thanks Hyung." I mumbled as he left the tent.

"It's not a problem. Besides, Jisung is a very understanding person. Don't worry about him hating you for kissing him." Chan said back before completely leaving me alone with a now half awake squirrel.

"Mmmm...Hyung?" I heard Jisung mumble as he shoved his head into my stomach.

"What's wrong Sungie?" I asked him softly as I continued to run my hand through his hair.

"Can we talk about what we did last night please?" He asked shyly.

"We don't have to if you're not comfortable with it. I don't want to force you to talk about it if you aren't ready to yet." I said gently.

"N-no. I want to talk about it now with you. I feel like if I don't talk about it now, I won't be able to do it at all. So can we please talk about it now Hyung?" Jisung said gently.

"Sure. If that's what you really want. Where do you wanna start?" I asked as I pulled Jisung even closer to me.

"Why did you kiss me in the first place?" He asked suddenly, catching me off guard for a second.

"You know when I said I was going to talk to you later right?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why?" he said back.

"Well, once I was alone in the tent I was going to wait for you to come in here so that I could explain to you why I didn't want you to agree to playing Changbin's game. But before that happened my mind kept running around about all of the things I didn't need on my mind at that moment like kissing you. That's when you walked into the tent. I tried to ignore you and get the thought of kissing you off of my mind but that's when you came up behind me. You thought that I was asleep. Knowing that you were right behind me, made me snap and I pushed you under me before kissing you the way I had been wanting to for a long time. Once I started I couldn't stop. Especially when you kissed me back. I'm sorry if I rushed you into anything Jisung." I said, explaining everything that happened and everything that was going on inside my head at that moment.

"I'm not mad, but I still don't understand something. Why would you be thinking about kissing me in the first place?" Jisung asked me softly as he continued to cuddle with me.

"It's because...I-I like you Jisung. I've had feelings since the first month of meeting you, and I understand if you don't feel the same way about me.." I confessed.

"I feel the same way Hyung." He said gently as he got onto his knees and pecked me on the lips cutely with a blush on his cheeks.

"So squirrel...will you be my boyfriend?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes! I would love to be your boyfriend!" Jisung said excitedly.

"Great. Now let's go out and eat some breakfast before Chan comes back in here and yells at us." I said with a chuckle.

"Hmm...okay." Jisung hummed as he got up and opened the tent.

"Oh! I was just about to go and get you guys! Perfect timing. Now come and eat your breakfast before it gets cold." Chan exclaimed.

I grabbed Jisung's hand and we sat down with the others and started to eat our food. I noticed the light blush on Jisung's cheeks and smiled softly as I squeezed his hand lightly, hoping that it would help calm his nerves down a little bit.

"Ohh~ Minho Hyung and Jisung are holding hands!!!" I heard Changbin say in a teasing tone.

"What's wrong with me holding my boyfriend's hand?" I asked, making Jisung choke on his food and the others went still. I smirked.

Here you go~

It's another update!!!

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