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Cormac's POV:
While Meredith is showering I go to talk to Winston about my plans. "Hey." I say siting at the island in the kitchen next to him. "Sup." He replies sipping a corona. I smile grabbing one out of the fridge as well. "What are you gonna wear?" He asks. I shrug sipping my beer now. "You too are like a group of teenage girls." Maggie says walking into the kitchen. "Kids are sleeping, Zola and Liam are watching tv or something." She says grabbing a spiked seltzer water out of the fridge. "Thanks. I don't know what I'm wearing... something Mer likes." I reply feeling both of them look at me as I mess with the bottle cap of my beer on the marble counter top. "How do you feel?" Maggie questions. My eyes widen now realizing what I got myself into. "Right now? I'm okay... nervous I guess?" I reply with question in my tone. "What color is Mer wearing?" Maggie asks. "Wait what is she wearing?" Winston cuts in. "She's wearing a dress with loose curls. Probably sandals or small heels. Light make-up. The dress I think is pink like a nursery." I reply nonchalantly. Maggie chuckles as I look up. I look at maggie then Winston. "Wh-what?" I question confused.

"You answered me so quick and mater of fact... man if she says no you will be crushed." Winston says shaking his head. "Winston!" Maggie scolds. "I-oh-no man she's definitely going to say yes I was- it was a hypothetical you know?" He backtracks trying to cover up what he previously said. "You're an ass." I reply making us all laugh.

"She's gotta say yes. I-I-I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't. It will fuck up our relationship either way..." I was mostly speaking to myself forgetting they were still with me. "Don't back out now." Maggie mumbles catching my attention I raise my eyebrows taking a swig of my beer. "I need something harder than this." I lazily place my beer down. "No. No you don't you had something hard enough already." Maggie replies. I smile shaking my head "that was not my fault." I protest "oh. Oh okay." She says very clearly messing with me. "Man I'm nervous for you. It's like I'm proposing all over again." Winston say placing his hand on my shoulder In a comforting platonic manner.

"I've only ever proposed once... to Abby and the feeling was mutual you know? I mean I knew she wanted it. None stop talking about weddings and rings." I laugh thinking back on all the conversations Abby and I had before I proposed "the colors and flowers and her dream wedding I mean she would bring it up any time she could. All before we were even engaged." I explain watching Maggie nod. "Tell me about." Winston says clinking the side of his beer bottle with mine as Maggie rolls her eyes.

"Mer isn't like that. She hates weddings and dresses even more. Center of attention? Ha she would never... we talked about it. Getting married. She doesn't want it said she would feel guilty in a way. Trust me I get it but I just- I mean I can't live everyday knowing at any minute she could just walk away... I love her. You know?" I elaborate shaking my head. "And that's the thing I don't need or even really want a wedding... I'd be okay with just Meredith really being mine. God she'd look hot in a wedding dress though. Walking down the isle maybe Richard with her? I don't know. I don't know." Maggie walks over to me standing next to me. "Breathe. We won't know what happens until it happens. She does hate weddings though." She says platonically touching my arm. "I can't lose her and I feel like if she says no I will mags... she won't feel the same." I reply. Maggie nods "it'll be okay. Stop manifesting the wrong things." She replies making us all smile.

"Thank you. Both of you. I mean it. I fuck with you guys all the time but I really appreciate you both and what you have done for me." I say looking at them both. "Ah now don't make me get emotional Hayes." Winston says nudging his shoulder on mine.

Meredith's POV:
Cormac forgets the walls are paper thin. I can't help but smile eavesdropping on their conversation. I can't hear all of what they are saying but I can tell it's about me and they are bonding which is exactly what I want.

"Babe!" I poke my head out of the bathroom as I wrap myself in a towel. "He-hey." Cormac replies seeing me I'm wrapped in a thick white towel that's tucked in so I don't have to hold it. My hair is in one too. "Showers open." I say as he walks in the room some. He kicks the door closing it behind him. "You're legs are about to be too." He replies with a smirk. I smile. "No sir. Babies are sleeping and the walls are paper thin. Shower so we don't end up late." He pulls me closer to him by my hips kissing me tenderly. He pulls away resting his forehead on mine. "I love you." He whispers seriously. "You know that right? I love you so damn much Meredith sometimes I don't know honestly what I would do without you." He says as I lay my head on his chest. "You are... everything to me. I love you." He says kissing my forehead. "I love you... what's wrong?" I question concerned with his tone and demeanor. "Absolutely nothing... I'm actually really good. I'm really happy Mer, with you and the kids. I just wanted to make sure you know." He explains. I pick my head up looking at him. "I know. I promise." I whisper kissing him before he can respond. "Get ready we're going to be late." I say slapping his ass before I walk out.

I slip on white lace up panties and a white matching bra because my dress in light pink and I'm worried other colors would be see through. My dress is v-neck and a t-shirt flowy but kinda big. I walk into the bathroom closing the door behind me which Cormac doesn't hear because his music is to loud. "Babe." I say as I start to do my make up and hair. Cormac doesn't answer so I pause his song. "Hey!" He protests poking his head out of the shower curtain. "Hot damn mamas... look at you." I smile looking at him through the mirror "you're being loud." I reply ignoring his comments. He bites his lip slipping back in the shower. "You look beautiful." He says as the water in the shower stops. "Thank you." I reply as he steps out of the shower a towel hanging loosely on his hips showing off his abs and v-line. I turn around to face him. My eyes travel all over his body, observing every little thing. How the water drops left on his chest slowly move down his abs, how his towel is lose and crossed making a v shape. A solid red line separating his torso from his lower area. "Mm your sunburn." I say lightly placing my hand on the right side of his chest. "You find my pain sexy?" He questions. I bite my lips nodding my head. "God Meredith." He mumbles. "I'll help you put aloe on later." I say winking before I turn back around. "Can i put aloe on you?" He questions I laugh. "I don't have a sunburn. Let me take care of you." I reply. "Is that Doctors orders?" Cormac kisses my neck. "Shi-Mhm... Doctor's orders. And the doctor orders you to get dressed please." I reply "mmm... I think you should get undressed." He says looking at the mirror holding me in his arms. I smile. "No. We have reservations get dressed." I reply.

Cormac's POV:
"Cor..." Winston calls from outside of my bedroom door. "Yeah come in." I call back. Meredith walk's out as Winston walks in. "I-I-I uh- I don't have the ring."

"I'm sorry- you said what now? Because I know damn well you did not just March your ass in here and say you lost the ring." My back is to Winston but he can tell I'm pissed. "I-I uh I walked..." Winston says. "Winston... I'm going to act like this conversation didn't even happen. The next time we talk it better be you showing off the ring." I say as he stands up. "Uh-huh." He replies "excuse me?" Meredith giggles in the doorway "yes sir." Winston says I nod once. Meredith walk's up behind me wrapping her hands around my waist "what's wrong?" She asks placing feather soft kisses all over my back. I feel myself physically calm as Meredith hugs me. "I love you." I whisper she doesn't move or say anything. "I'm okay." I whisper again. "Okay." She whispers back. "Doctor Hayes..." Winston says standing right outside of our room. I laugh knowing he's going to get shit for that. "Does it look like we are in a hospital?" Winston shakes his head no. "No? Are we in seattle?" Winston shakes his head no again. "...Winston." Cormac says pulling a grey shirt off of its hanger. "We're all good." Winston says giving him a thumbs up. "Thank you. Sorry for being an ass." Cormac says. "It's fine... I get it." I look at Cormac pulling away from him then at Winston "what are we talking about?" I question

I put a lot of detail in this and I know I promised the proposal in this chapter but it would have been to long so next chapter this time I actually promise. Also off topic but does anyone watch SVU?

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