out to town

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Okay so I lied and I am so sorry, I've was busy with school and life, but now that school is over I should have more updates :). Thank you to all of you who have stuck with me and will continue to stick with me throughout my delayed updates love you all so so so much you all brighten my day a little more whenever I see a notification on my story, I love all of your comments they make me smile. Thank you all so much, lots of love to all of you🖤

Okay now onto the story

After a hour or do they all fell asleep, cuddled up, well besides Shinso, who moved to the corner of the bed, pouting, holding his frog squishmellow, as he sleeps without a cuddle buddy.

If you haven't figured it out this story is full of them, so I will no longer be putting a TW but know that there is going to be topics we've seen, but if it is a new trigger that I haven't mentioned before I will add it!

The next morning, Izuku was the first wake up, he went to the bathroom to shower quickly, in that time, Shinsou woke up, noticing that Izuku was missing, he quickly woke up Kirishima and Bakugou, "Where did Izuku go!" He said quickly, to the still mostly sleeping boys, Bakugo responded with a tired, "I don't know. go ask someone else shit head."  Shinsou scoffed and walked out.

He went into the kitchen, where Aizawa was making his 3rd cup of coffee. "Have you seen Izuku?" Shinsou asked, Aizawa had a quick look of worry on his face, before it softened and went back to his emotionless face. "Have you checked the bathrooms, or showers?" He asked, Shinsou shook his head, and walked off towards the shower rooms.

"Izu?" He called as he opened the door. After a few seconds he heard a small "yeah?" Over the sound of the running water hitting the floor. "Just wondering where you were. Do you need any help?" Shinsou asked, "No, I'm almost done." Izuku said, and sure enough a few moments later the water turned off, and Izuku walked out with a towel around himself, his dripping wet hair in his face. "Good morning, love," he said with a smile, Shinsou walked over and kissed the top of his head. "Good morning, bubs" Izuku blushed a bit and smiled softly, "Can we do something today... just you and I?" Shinsou smiled, "Is this you asking me out?" Izuku blushed and nodded, Shinsou smiled a bit more, "I'd love to," Izuku smiled and kissed the tip of his nose, before shyly running away to their room. Shinsou following behind.

Once he got to their room he jumped, and squeaked in surprise seeing Kirishima and Bakugou in there room. The two men smiled and Kirishima spoke up. "Morning Mydoria," "M-Morning," he stuttered and walked to the dresser to grad some clothes, he grabbed a oversized black shirt of Shinsou's, a black, and white skirt, and some ripped tight stockings. And quickly changed, having Shinsou hold up the towel in front of him.

(Yes we are making him a fem boy, if you have a problem, idc)

After he changed he went downstairs where everyone else was sitting, Izuku pulled Aizawa a side and asked if he and Shinsou could go out to town, Aizawa agreed and the two went on their way.


Hope you enjoyed thank you for reading

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