Oh, Zuku~

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Death, self-harm, and panic attack,

"No!" Izuku screamed as Inko got in between the knife and Izuku, causing it to plunge into her chest. Hisashi drunkenly stumbled into the living room and threw himself onto the couch. Izuku was crying over his mother's body removing the knife and applying pressure to the wound to stop the blood, "It's ok Mama, your gonna be okay." Izuku kept mumbling to himself as well as Inko. Inko moved her bloodied hand to Izuku's cheek, "It's okay, my baby," she said rubbing her thumb crossed his skin, "Do me a favor and always smile, even when your sad, smile it brightens up the world," Inko whispered softly. Izuku nodded his head and smiled the larges smile he could, the smile soon breaking as his mother's body went limp in his arms, Izuku lightly brushed his hand over her now dull eyes, closing them.

Izuku woke up with tears streaming down his face, he pulled his knees up to his chest and cried harder, letting the sobs escape his lips unaware of the boy sleeping next to him. Shinso soon woke up and saw Izuku in the state he's in and tried to calm the boy down, "Hey Izu can I touch you?" he asked not wanting to scare the boy anymore, Izuku nodded so Shinso wrapped his arms around the boy, pulling him into his lap and began to rock him back and forth. Shinso grabbed his phone and sent a quick text to Mic and Aizawa telling them to come into Izuku's room.

After a few minutes, the two men silently came into the room not knowing the state the boy was in. Izuku was crying and mumbling, "My fault, my fault," and "she's dead," Izuku started scratching his arms, not doing much damage due to the bandages around his arms. "Hey, little listener, can Shota and I touch you?" Izuku again nodded and Aizawa grabbed Izuku's hands to prevent him from hurting himself and held them, "Squeeze my hands okay?" Izuku squeezed Aizawa's hands in reply as he slowly began to come out of his panic attack. Aizawa spoke trying to take Izuku's mind off of whatever had happened, "Hey, Problem Child, guess what?" Izuku looked up and met eyes with Aizawa's, curiosity visible in his eyes. "I'm not really supposed to tell anyone this, but, we are going to UJS Tomorrow if you're up for it. Thirteen will be there." Izuku's eyes lit up and he nodded his head, Hizashi, and Aizawa chuckled, "Okay, then," Hizashi said.

After a few minutes, Izuku's eyes started getting heavy and he fell asleep in Shinso's arms. They all bided their good night's again and went back to sleep for a few hours.

Small time skip to morning

The next morning Izuku woke up happily, ecstatic for today's events, he went to his dresser and pulled out a uniform, that Aizawa put in there, and went to the bathroom to change.

After he changed, brushed his teeth, and attempted his hair he went out into the bedroom to see Shinso with only his school pants on. Izuku stood there blushing and staring at the boy in front of him. Izuku wiped his nose with the back of his hand getting rid of his nose bleed, "Um Shinso, " Izuku said making the cat-loving insomniac turn around. When Shinso turned around more blush made its way onto Izuku's face, Shinso chuckled and walked over to Izuku still shirtless and wiped something his lip. "Am I really that attractive?" Shinso asked grabbing Izuku a tissue and wiping his hand. Izuku looked at him with a confused expression making Shinso chuckle again, "Your nose is bleeding" Izuku blushed and wiped his nose and sure enough there was blood he put his face in his hand ran downstairs.

When he got downstairs he ran into Hizashi, "Whoa little listener slow down, now what happened?" Hisashi asked looking at the flustered Izuku in front of him. "Shinso...Shirt...Hot...Nose!" Izuku managed to get out as Shinso walked down the stairs with a chuckle. "Can you please translate?" Hizashi asked, "He walked in on me shirtless and got a nose bleed, and he hasn't even seen my lower half." Shinso said with another chuckle, "And he never will," Aizawa said popping out of nowhere. "Now let's go we are going to be late,"

Time skip to after class started

"Okay Children we are going to UJS today, so get your hero suits on and go to the bus, Izuku come wake me up when you're done," he said going into his sleeping bag.

Everyone grabbed their case and went to the changing rooms. Everyone started changing including Izuku forgetting about all of his scares a few of the boys noticed all of his scares the ones that stood out the most were 'Useless, fag, worthless, and mistake' all carved onto his back. Shinso noticed all the stares his boyfriend was getting so he grabbed a towel from a shelf and unfolded it covering Izuku from behind, "People were looking," he whispered into his ear, Izuku nodded and changed quickly leaving the bathroom.

On his way back to the classroom he ran into Uraraka, "Deku-Kun where were you?!" She asked crushing him in a hug. "Oh, sorry Uraraka I was sick," he said with a nervous laugh. "Oh, okay I'm glad your feeling better but I have to get to the bus, bye Deku-Kun," she said skipping off towards the bus.

Izuku walked into the classroom and lightly shook the yellow caterpillar, who groggily woke up, "Morning child," he said with a small smile making Izuku giggle, "Morning, we should get to the bus problem adult." Aizawa laughed and wrapped up his sleeping bag, "I supposed your right,"

Time skip to the UJS cuz I'm lazy

They arrived at the UJS and were greeted by the pro hero Thirteen when all of a sudden a purple portal appeared "Cool they have fake villains!" Kaminari said, "Those aren't' fake!" Izuku said with a shiver before Thirteen could. Everyone looked at Izuku then back at the villains when one spoke, he looked like he had a hand fetish "Oh, Zuku~" he said everyone now was watching the exchange. "What the Fuck do you want?" Izuku yelled, the whole class was a little shocked about his language but pushed it aside "Oh, it's just that Master isn't very happy about you putting him in jail, " Izuku was terrified and didn't trust his mouth to talk. "Got nothing to say, I guess I'll speed up the process," handyman said before a black smoke-like substance covered them. When the smoke cleared Izuku was nowhere to be seen


Hope you enjoyed it!

Please point out any mistakes

Love you all

Have a great day, night, afternoon, whatever time it is where ever you are in this world!💕🌈

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