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Tw: same as always

So disregard, my last A/N I'm just gonna be typing these in notes, and pasting them over, then deleting the app. So yeah ❤️

Back at the LOV hideout, Izuku was receiving his brutal beating when, All for One came in the room, "well hello there," his voice gave Shinsou chills, as he pulled against the ropes terrified for Izuku, who had come accustomed to the two. "We have something new to try today, how fun," Shinsou pulled against the ropes, screaming into the piece of cloth in his mouth, when Hisashi snapped his fingers, beckoning Twice to remove the fabric from his mouth, "Do it to me! What ever you are going to do, do to me!" Shinsou begged, making the 2 men chuckle, as All for One pulled out a few strands of hair, "Eat it" he said to Izuku, as Hisashi pulled his head up by his hair, forcing his mouth open so All for One could place it in, and he swallowed it. Hisashi then dropped him, and the two walked out. Twice following them out after stopping the recording. "Fuck.. Izu are you okay? What the hell was that!?" He said trying to untie himself, "I'll get it" Izuku mumbled, hoisting himself up, and taking a few steps, before falling again. "Izu don't it's okay!" Izuku shook his head and got up again, painfully making himself go further, and falling onto Shinsou, he slowly untied him, resting himself on Shinsou's chest.

Once he finished, Shinsou wrapped his arms around him, standing up, and slowly helping him to the blanket on the floor, used as the mattress. "What was that? Why'd he make you eat that?" Izuku was quite for a moment. "He was... passing on his quirk.." Izuku said slowly Shinsou just nodded not understanding fully, but not wanting to make Izuku explain. "You just lay down, and try to get some sleep okay?" Shinsou said helping Izuku lay his head on his lap, petting his hair. Izuku nodded and let sleep fall over him.

A few hours later, Izuku woke up with a horrible scream, curling himself into a ball and shaking. Hisashi and AFO walked in soon after with a evil grin. "We'll look what we have here, the next All for One successor," All for One said evilly.

Izuku was crying and clenching his head, feeling like all his limbs were about to fall off. "What the fuck did you do to him!?" Shinsou screamed, "Oh nothing much," he sneered.

After a few, 8 ,hours of Izuku sobbing, and screaming the pain finally died down a bit and he could contain his screams. Shinsou by his side trying to comfort him, it all being live broadcasted to the 1-A dorm,  most of the class was billowing in rage, even Bakugo, after a while the class saw, the two tormentors come into frame, and Hisashi saying, "How we feeling? Ready to do as we say?" It took a few minutes for Izuku to answer before quietly saying, "I'll d-do what ever... you want, but...  Shinsou... needs to be safely, unharmed, and returned to UA... " Izu.. no no please Izu... I'll stay with you I don't care... please no,"  Hisashi and AFO looked at each other, had a silent conversation, before nodding. "Very well," AFO said, "No! Please no!" Shinsou screamed, Izuku sat up slowly and gave him a weak kiss and a small smile. "Twice. Take him away," Twice came and dragged Shinsou out.

Aizawa was patrolling the front of the school, waiting for Shinsou, who walked over, by himself, Twice not wanting to risk getting caught, Aizawa ran over and hugged him, "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" "No..." he mumbled "don't worry... we've seen everything..." Aizawa said, "what do you mean?" Shinsou asked looking up, "They've sent us recordings of the last few days..." Shinsou looked down, tears streaming down his face, "I'm sorry.." Aizawa hugged him and patted his head, "let's get you something to eat, yeah?" Shinsou nodded, and the two went inside.

Before It's Too Late (Abused Deku) (Dadawa) (Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now