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The next morning, everyone woke up. Shinso and Izuku went down stairs and began making breakfast, for everyone. Shinso and Izuku made eggs with furikake, and set it on the table, and set plates for everyone. Everyone started coming out of their dorms, when Uraraka approached Shinso and Izuku, "Izuku-Kun!" Uraraka said, "Mina, Tsui, Momo, Kaminari and I are going to the mall, do you and Shinso want to come?" Izuku looked over at Shinso and nodded, to which Shinso replied to Uraraka, "Sure we'll come." he said. "Great! We are going to head out in about 30. meet you out front the." She said walking to her dorm.

Shinso and Izuku got dressed and walked to there dorm, and changed before going to the front gate, where everyone was waiting. They all headed to the mall.

when they got there the mall it was packed multiple people were there causing them all to get split up. Izuku getting split up, by himself, as he is brutally grabbed by the throat by 3 crusty fingers. Izuku gasps not knowing who on earth is holding his neck, Izuku couldn't find Shinso or anyone he knew for that matter. Izuku knew he was in trouble.

"Hello, Zuku~ I see that you and the other mistakes got away from, masters. I was told to bring you back, but seeing how many people there are here, I guess all have to wait. But be a good hero and keep quiet. Also if you get anything anonymous, do it, we wouldn't want anything to happen to Shinso, now would we" Shigaraki said moving his hand to Izuku's forearm, disintegrating it slightly, before walking away.

Izuku cradled his bleeding arm crying as Shinso ran over, "Izuku?! what happend?!" Shinso asked taking g of the coat he was wearing and wrapping it around Izuku's arm, trying to stop the bleeding as Mina, Tsui, Momo, Kaminari and Uraraka came over. "Whoa, Izuku, what happend, momo said bending down to look at Izuku's arm. Izuku started hyperventilating slightly, "Can we g-go?" He mumbled not being able to sign. Everyone nodded and they left walking to a nearby park. "Shouldn't we get to UA? So Recovery Girl can check this out?" Denki asked. Shinso moved the jacket, and looked at the wound where most of the skin and muscle was gone revealing part if the bone. "Damn it Shigaraki" Shinso said wrapping the wound and picking up Izuku who was falling in and out of consciousness. "Izu, I need you to keep your eyes open, please" Izuku nodded tiredly and opened his eyes.

By the time they got to UA Izuku had passed out from blood loss, but he was breathing, shallow, but there. The students ran into Recovery Girls room, but to their luck, Recovery Girl was out of town for the day. "Shit," Shinso mumbled as they all ran out of the room, and headed twords the dorm.

When they got there Aizawa and Hizashi were laying on the couch. Toga, was playing assassin croods. Dabi, was putting small braids in Keigo's hair. "Mr. Aizawa?!" Mina screamed frantically. Aizawa got up angered, but as he saw what Izuku and Shinso covered in blood, dadzawa came into play, "What the fuck happened?!" He asked frantically, "We are not sure kero, but we are sure Shigaraki has something to do with it, kero." Asui said, Shinso set Izuku down and gently removed the jacket, Aizawa ran to grab some bandages, and wrapped them around his arm stopping the bleeding.

After a few minutes Izuku woke up silently, to which no one noticed, but Izuku tried to sit up using his arms, cause the wound to re open. He let out a barley audible whimper, that caused Shinso, who was sitting next to him, look over and immediately go over to him and get him of his arm. "Izuku what happened" Izuku was confused for a moment till the days events came rushing back. He looked around the room hastily, before he spotted toga and Dabi, and let out a sigh. Izuku mearly pointed and Toga, Dabi then himself, then his leg, were the scar from the knife would be. Dabi translated, "They're looking for us?" Izuku nodded, "Then why would Shigaraki do that?" Shinso asked. Izuku pointed at Shinso then looked down. "Me? What did I do?" Izuku shrugged. And played back down making a grabby hand at Shinso, who got on the couch behind him wrapping his arms around his waist, before they both fell asleep.


Hope you enjoyed.

Feel free to point out any mistakes .

Have a good day, night, afternoon, where ever you are in this world.

Bye my loves

Before It's Too Late (Abused Deku) (Dadawa) (Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now