bird like mask

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Hope you enjoy


A few months have past, the daily tormenting hasn't stoped, the LOV, Hisashi and AFO mostly, have forced the young boy, Izuku, to run jobs for him, today, was none the different.

Hisashi send Izuku and a few others, out to a job, just a simple bank robbery, to supply for food.

When they got there, little did they know eraser head, and all might were patrolling the streets around the bank, and were at the banks doors when the alarm went off.

Izuku was at the counter, his new quirk charged up, looking dead, and emotionless, tears, that he probably didn't even know were there, were streaming silently down his cheeks, he wants nothing to do with this.

"Izuku!?" Aizawa shouted, surprised to see him, hardly recognizing him, with his pale skin, black gummy hair, dirtied with blood.

Izuku spun around, looking Aizawa straight in the eyes, frozen in place, only broken out, by Twice yelling at him to attack, he shook his head, mumbling "no" over and over. All might, who didn't care much about the young boy, thinking he was just a traitor, sent a punch towards the boy, who was frozen in place, only for Shigaraki to jump in front of Izuku, and take the blow, knowing how frail he is.

But that didn't stop All might, he threw Shigaraki against a near by wall, aiming his hands towards Izuku again, hitting him a few times, till he was battered into the ground, more bloody and bruised then before. Aizawa tried to pull all might away from Izuku, it took a bit, the boy near dead, when Aizawa finally erased his quirk, "Get. Your. Hands. Away. From. My. Son." He growled angrily, only to be interrupted by a purple smoke, when it dissipated Izuku and the villains were gone. "What the hell all might!?" Aizawa screamed, "You know he was fucking kidnapped! We could have got him back!! And you fucked it up!" All might scoffed and rolled his eyes, "He's a fucking trader and you know it." Aizawa smacked him and walked off, very annoyed.

When the LOV teleported back to the hideout Izuku was almost greeted with a kick to the stomach, but Shigaraki stepped in front of him. "Leave him alone, for once." Hisashi scoffed, "he won't be here much longer. We're sending him to Overtron, so he can deal with this little shit," he said pushing Izuku back to the ground, that he just painfully got up off of, "No, please, All for One you can't, he'll kill him!" Shigaraki pleaded "So?" All for One said simply, "if you're so worried about him, then you can go with him" shigaraki paused for a moment, "fine." She said blankly, "No! Shig, you can't!" Izuku said, not even knowing who this Overtron person is, but doesn't want Shigaraki to get hurt, because as much as neither of them want to admit it, they've grown closer and have a sort of brotherly bond, Izuku looks up to Shigaraki, as a younger sibling would to an older. "Yes Izuku, I'm going to go with you, at least for some sort of support," he said sadly, as a man in a bird like mask walked in, "Overtron," Hisashi greeted him professionally, "here they are." Overtron nodded and signaled for one of his assistants to come and take them to a van out back.

Hope you enjoyed <3

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