panic attack

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Sorry it's late!


panic attack

After a few minutes, Aizawa carefully helped Izuku out of the room an to the training field. When they arrived Shinso admittedly ran to Izuku, "Are you okay? What happened? Where are your casts? Do you want me to pick you up?" Shinso said, with worry in his eyes. Izuku laughed slightly at his boyfriend, then opened his arms and made grabby hands at the taller boy. Shinso picked up the boy, Izuku held on to Shinso in a koala like hold, and refused to let go.

"Okay, class, get into groups of 2 and spar, or whatever, if you need me I'll be over there, in my sleeping bag." Aizawa said walking to the side where his sleeping bag lay.

The class split up into their groups. Kaminari with Kirishima, Jiro with Momo, Todoroki with Bakugo, Kouda with Sauto, Mina with Sero, Asui with Uraraka, Hagakure with Ojiro, Iida with Tokoyami, Ayoama with Shouji, and Izuku with Shinso.

'Please' Izuku signed ribbing his hand on his chest looking at Shinso. "I'm sorry Zuku, but I can't, I don't want to hurt you." Shinso said standing a bit away from Izuku, who is standing in a fighting stance. "Izuku, no." Shinso said sternly making Izuku flinch, doping his stance. Shinso realized what he did so he ran over to Izuku and hugged Izuku realizing that the frail boy was trembling slightly clenching is eyes as memories flashed in his head.

Izuku sank down to the floor bringing his knees to his chest shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. Shinso brought him to his lap and started stroking his back, "Izuku, can you name 3 things you can feel? Don't b afraid to speak its okay, I wont hurt you." Izuku tried to calm his breathing before Shinso heard raspy whisper. "Y-Your shirt... your h-hand... a-and t-the grass..." Izuku let out a shaky breath before Shinso continued. "Can you name 3 things you smell?" "Um... Y-Your cologne, y-your hair g-gel....a-and the mowed grass." Shinso kissed the top of his head, "Great job, now how about 3 things you can see?" Izuku's breathing evens out, and he was only shaking slightly. "The sky, y-your eyes...and...y-your lips." Izuku said looking into Shinso's eyes. Shinso smiled and kissed Izuku's head again.

Aizawa soon came running up to the two after waking up, "What happened?" Shinso started before Izuku interrupted him with a raspy whisper. "It was my fault... I asked him to spar... b-but he said he wouldn't, so i kept bothering him about it causing him to raise his voice, and i had a mini panic but he helped me with it..."

Aizawa nodded after checking up on Izuku quickly and went back to his sleeping bag. After about 2 more hours of sparring every one went to their designated classes, with Midnight, All Might, and Hizashi.

After all their classes they all returned to their dorms, Bakugo made dinner, and they ate before going to their rooms, getting ready for a nights rest.


Sorry that it is short, and late... I've had a busy few days at school and haven't been able to write, again I'm sorry

Hope you enjoyed, next chapter will be on Monday.

Have a great day, night, afternoon.

bye my loves

Before It's Too Late (Abused Deku) (Dadawa) (Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now