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mentions of broken bones and selective muteism

The next morning they all woke up and made their way down stairs they all ate some food, then Shinso carried Izuku back to the kitchen and got out his meds. "Here." Shinso said handing him his meds, to which Izuku wordlessly took.

Izuku insisted that he go back to school, he knew he couldn't participate in any training, but he still wanted to be present. So after everyone was ready they all made there way to the class room.

Aizawa, and Hizashi walked into 1-A, while Shinso and Izuku stayed out in the hall so Aizawa could inform them all of Izuku's situation.

"All Might, your presence is no longer needed." Aizawa said in his normal monotone speech. All might left the room after bidding a farewell to the students.

"Hello class, as you might know Iz- Midoriya, was absent for quite some time, in the hold of the League of Villains. He is not in the safest mind set, but he still insists on attending lessons. So could you all refrain from touching him, and being loud. Bakago, please, please, don't pester him, your childish grudge on him is really annoying." Aizawa said, "Tch, whatever, I'll behave for that damn nerd." Bakugo said sitting back in his chair. Hizahi walked over to Aizawa's desk and started rearranging his papers. "Hizashi what the fu- heck are yo-" "Shush it! And go get your son!" Hizashi said childishly.

Aizawa walked out into the hall and got the two children, and walked back into the class room.

Izuku was carried by Shinso to his seat, then Shinso returned to his. "Today we are going to be sparring, so get your PE uniform on and get to the field." Aizawa said as he walked to Izuku's desk. "What do you want to do?" Izuku looked at Kaminari and Mina who were walking out the door with their uniforms, and sighed, he then swung his legs to the side of the chair and pushed himself up into a standing position.

"Hey,  child, you shouldn't be standing!" Izuku put his thumb to his chest with the number 5 signing that he was fine. Aizawa looked over at Hizashi and tilted his head to the door, signaling him to leave, Hizashi complied and left to the field.

"Izuku please, let me carry you or sit back down, please." Izuku took off his arm brace, and moved his hand. He then signed 'I'm fine' again "Stop this child!" Aizawa said and accidently activated his quirk, causing Izuku to whince and fall back onto the chair, cradling his arm. "W-What?!" Aizawa said blinking, as he did so Izuku's pained expression dropped, and he no longer cradled his arm. "Q-Quirk?" Aizawa asked. Izuku nodded and hand spelled 'trauma' "When did you figure that out?" Izulu put his righ arm out and put his other hand in the crook of his elbow then brought his right hand to his face, sighing 'this morning'.

Aizawa nodded, "Can you take the other brases off?" Izuku nodded and proceeded to take off his braces. "Can you walk?" Aizawa asked trying to get more information on this new quirk. Izuku stood up and walked around the classroom a bit, stumbling a few times, but walking non the less "Dose it hurt?" Izuku nodded and shook his hand in a back and forth position.

"So what is it?" Izuku crossed his arms on his chest and held up two fingers on both hands bending them at the end signing 'bone'. He then finger spelled 'mending' with a puzzled look in his face. Aizawa nodded then walked over to Izuku, "why aren't you talking?" Izuku looked to the side then put his hands in a fist by his chest then shook them slightly and putting out five fingers sighing 'scared'. Aizawa nodded in understanding then carefully hugged the small boy, not wanting to scare him. Izuku gripped onto Aizawa's shirt as small tears fell from his eyes.


Izulu has a new quirk -gasp-

I hope I described the sign language well, and it is ASL not JSL I dont know JSL so yeah...

Also I will be doing the publishing schedule, mondays and wednesdays will be this, and fridays and sundays will be a 'debt to pay'! (New story)

I hoped you enjoyed, please tell me of any mastakes!

Hope you have a good day, night, wherever you are in the world!

Bye my buzzy beautiful sunshine nuggets!!

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