I love you

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The next morning, Aizawa and Shinso were the first to wake up, Aizawa got out of bed and went to the dorm kitchen, filled up the coffee pot up with water then pored himself a cup when it was ready. Shinso untangled himself from Izuku then carefully picked him up and made his way down the stares, setting him on the couch in the common room then walked to the kitchen an pored himself a cup of coffee. "Good morning Aizawa," Shinso said with a head bow, "Good morning, child's boyfriend." Aizawa said while walking off to his room to go get Hizashi.

Shinso smiled at Aizawa's comment, as he walked into the common room and sat on the couch, moving Izuku's head to rest in his lap.

After about 30 minutes, Keigo came down with a tired looking Dabi leaning against his shoulder. Soon followed by Aizawa and Hizahi yelling about Aizawa walking Hizashi up.

Dabi heard the yelling and quickly rushed over to the putting his hand over their mouths, looking over his shoulder, back at Izuku, to make sure it didn't wake him.

Dabi sighed with relief as the sleeping boy only snuggled up closer to Shinso.

Dabi removed his hand, "Sorry about that, I didn't want to scare him."

Hizahi and Aizawa nodded, then left for the kitchen making some eggs and bacon.

After about 10 minutes of the food cooking, Izuku waking up to the smell. Izuku rubbed his eyes and painfully, with the help of Shinso, sat up but quickly leaned on Shinso for support. Shinso picked the boy up and carried him to the table, sitting him in his lap, as other 1-A students came down getting various breakfast items and sitting at the table as well.

Mostly everyone avoided talking to Izuku about the kidnapping, some came over and asked how he was and such, Mina, Uraraka, and Momo started fan girling over how cute Izuku and Shinso were.

Izuku didn't talk he would almost noticeably shake or nod his head to answer questions, but even that was very little.

After awhile, Aizawa brought in two plates of bacon and eggs. Shinso started eating, as well as making a conversation with Kirishima. Izuku just stared at the plate trying to eat, he leand back onto Shinso and buried his face in Shinso's chest. Shinso looked down at Izuku and rubbed his back, and whispered in his ear, "what's wrong, Izu?" Izuku shook his head and mumbled "can't" Shinso kissed the top of his head, "Can't what?" Izuku gripped Shinso's shirt harder burring his face deeper into his chest the smell alone making him want to throw up, he eventually mumbled "Food." Shinso 'oh' ed in understanding and stood up picking Izuku up as well and walked to the dorm room.

Aizawa and Hizahi walked to the table, and set their plates down, "Where's the children?" Everyone looked around before Kirishima spoke up, "Izuku got upset and Shinso took him to the dorm, I think, Shinbro is so manly!" Aizawa nodded and stood up "Hizashi make sure to tell the burnt chicken nugget that theres breakfast on the stove," he said before heading to Shinso's dorm.

Aizawa knocked on the door and heard Shinso whispering for him to come in. He opend the door and saw a crying Izuku nuzzled into Shinso's chest. Aizawa walked into the room and knelt infront of the two, "Hey, what's wrong Izuku?" Izuku sniffles and turned so he could face Aizawa, "I'm sorry, I couldn't-" is all he got out before he turned back to Shinso's chest crying. Aizawa looked up at Shinso for help to which he nodded and said, "He couldn't eat, it was making him sick, he feels bad that you cooked him food and he's wasting it." Shinso said then he kissed the top of Izuku's head, started rubbing circles on his back, and whispering sweet nothings into his ear, "Izuku, it's ok, Hiz-....Mic and I knew that you probably went going to eat, but we still wanted to try, you did nothing wrong Mic and I aren't mad, it's okay." Izuku nodded and sniffed and rubbed his eyes with his sleeve.

Aizawa patted Izuku's knee and stood up, "You two have the week off, rest up, and know Mic and I love you very much Izuku." A smile pulled the corner of Izuku's lips, "I love you and papa too," Izuku said shyly Aizawa smiled and nodded leaving the room, and made his way down stairs.

When Aizawa went down stairs he had a very large smile on his face to which Hizashi pulled him to the side, "What's wrong with Izuku, and what happend to you?" To which Aizawa replied, "He couldn't eat and he felt bad, I told him that we wernt mad and that we knew that was possible, and I told him we loved him to which he said 'I love you' back"


Hi my buzzy beautiful sunshine nuggets!

Hope you enjoyed, have a wonderful day, night, afternoon, where ever you are in this world.

Don't be afraid to point out any mistakes!

And holy hell (edit: now looking back on having 25.5 k people reading my story, I'm so so so thankful for all of you and thank you for all the OG's who really made this story possible)

5 k people reading my story, I'm so so so thankful for all of you and thank you for all the OG's who really made this story possible)

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Thank you all so, so, so, so, much I really appreciate it!

I love opening my phone and having 15 notifications from a spam voter! It makes me so happy, thank you again!

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