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Hello loves, here's the next chapter sorry it's late, life's still not the best but here you go!

Trigger warning

With Izuku

Izuku woke up, from Toga and Dabi were arguing he painfully scurried into the corner and put his arms up defensively. Toga and Dabi noticed this and stopped their arguing, then gave each other worried glances and slowly approached Izuku. "Izuku-Kun?" Toga said sweetly, as she sat in front of him, Dabi following suit. Izuku slowly lowered his hands and looked up at the two, then visibly relaxed as he saw the two. "Sorry the yelling scared me," he said sheepishly "It's ok kid," Dabi said with a reassuring smile.

After a while, loud footsteps could be heard coming towards the room. Once the footsteps reached the door it was unlocked then slammed opened, revealing Hisashi and All For One. "Out," All For One said towards Dabi and Toga, the two gave Izuku an apologetic look before quickly leaving the room and sitting in the hall.

Hisashi approached Izuku, pushing him further into the corner, "Izuku, I've brought a friend today. As you may know, this is All For One," He said nodding towards the very large man. All For One walked towards Izuku and kicked him in the shin, then the side, punching him in the jaw, making Izuku cough up blood and fall to the floor. Hisashi joined in as the two repetitively kicked and hit the poor boy.

After about an hour, the two got bored with that, so all for one grabbed a knife and plunged it into Izuku's thigh, making him scream. All For One removed the knife, then pushed it back in with much more force penetrating the floor, making sure to miss anything important, pinning Izuku's leg to the floor. Hisashi grabbed another knife and repeated the same thing on the other leg, making Izuku scream bloody murder. Hisashi then grabbed another knife and did the same thing on Izuku's left bicep, All For One on his right. Then the two left, Izuku sprawled on the floor going in and out of consciousness.

Toga and Dabi ran in the room once they knew the two vile men were out of eyesight. Toga choked back a sob as she and Dabi ran to Izuku's side, "Stay awake kid, can you do that for me, keep those eyes open," Dabi pleaded. Izuku nodded tears running down his face. "I'm gonna take the knives out, ok? Try not to scream, please," Toga said. Izuku nodded again and squeezed his eyes shut as he bit his bottom lip, preparing for what was about to happen.

Toga quickly pulled out the knife on his left leg, Dabi quickly adding pressure, Izuku letting a small whine escape his lips. "I'm Sorry Izuku," Toga said sadly as she removed the knife from his right leg. Izuku bit down on his lip drawing blood as he tried to muffle his sob. Dabi bandaged his left leg as Toga did his right. "You ok Deku?" Toga glared at him as Izuku shook his head, "God that was a stupid question, sorry," a small, very small smile tugged the corner of Izuku's lip. "I'm gonna do your arm now, okay?" Izuku nodded and Dabi grabbed his opposite hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, Toga pulled out the knife, causing Izuku to grip Dabi's hand roughly and bite his lip drawing more blood causing some to dribble down his chin. Toga bandaged it, Dabi move his free hand towards the knife and looked up at Toga, Toga nodded then Dabi removed the knife quickly. Izuku gasped as more tears ran down his cheeks.

"Okay, all done, It's okay, I'm sorry, " Toga said as Izuku sobbed quietly, "We'll get you out of here soon I promise," Dabi said as he rubbed Izuku's back lightly. "Tired..." Izuku whispered still crying, Toga wiped his chin getting off the blood, "Drink this then spit it out, please Izuku?" she asked holding out a water bottle she had in her bag. Izuku grabbed the bottle then Dabi carried him to the toilet, in the corner of the room he then took a large drink then spit it out, turning the water a crimson color, Izuku took a few more drinks of water till the water was the original color. He then was carried back to the opposite corner resting Izuku on Dabi's chest. "Sleep?" Izuku asked innocently "Sleep." Toga confirmed. Izuku nodded then fell asleep.

Before It's Too Late (Abused Deku) (Dadawa) (Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now