Welcome to the Family

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mentions of abuse, self-harm, and suicide

Izuku started to try and sit up but was greeted with a surge of pain, well everywhere. With a hiss of pain and some help from Shinso Izuku was now sitting up. "What happened?" The boy asked trying to recall the day priors events, everyone was quiet for a moment before Aizawa spoke up. "Well, problem child, after you went home after your meeting with Shinso, your father was furious so he started beating on you." Aizawa paused to let the process what he had just said, "then he..., then I made my way upstairs and I-I oh my god Shinso I'm so sorry!" The boy finished for Aizawa and started crying as Shinso hugged him.

After a few minutes, they all calmed down, Shinso gently grabbed Izuku's chin and had Izuku look at him. "Izu it's ok, I know why you did what you did, I love you." The lilac haired boy said blush very aperient on his cheeks. "W-What!?" Izuku asked a deep red blush on his face as well, "I um love you too, " Izuku said getting his chin away from the male's grip and looking at his hands blushing a bit. Aizawa and Mic laughed and smiled at the cute exchange between the two boys. Izuku and Shinso looked up at the to men and blushed deeper which caused Aizawa and Mic to laugh again.

Izuku was looking down still but with tears pricking his eyes. "Hey, little listener what's wrong?" Mic said wrapping the boy into a hug, Izuku shook his head, "I'm s-sorry, I've caused you all such trouble," Izuku said a tear or to dropping on the sheets below him. "Oh, no child," Aizawa spoke up, "I should be the one apologizing for not seeing it sooner if you don't mind me asking do you have any other family members?" Izuku shook his head "N-Not that I know of," Aizawa sighed, "No Aunts or Uncles who have a cupboard under the stairs you could sleep in?" Aizawa asked in his sarcastic tone, to only get a slap on top of the head by his boyfriend. Aizawa laughed, "I'm kidding, sorry kid. Well, I'll go ask Tsuragamae and Nezu about your living enragements." All three of the men nodded, then Aizawa walked out into the hall.

Aizawa's point of view still 3rd person

Aizawa walked into the hall and got out his phone and called Tsuragamae.

hello Aizawa, what can I help you with this afternoon?

Hello, Tsuragamae I was just calling to ask of the living arrangements of Young Midoriya?

Oh, yes the boy who attempted suicide and the abuse case yes?

Yes, it has come to my attention that he has no other living family.

That is correct from what I see from his files, so the boy shall be placed into foster care or an orphanage, once he's out of the Hospital that is.

The homeroom teacher winced at the thought of one of his students being passed around from home to home when he is unsure if its a safe environment he doesn't want the problem child to go thru that again.

very well, I'm going to have a quick chat with Present Mic so expect a call from me sooner or later

With that, he hung up the phone and made his way back into the hospital room. when he got back he saw the beaten boy asleep with Shinso and Hizashi trying to suppress their laughter while looking at funny cat videos. Aizawa walked over to his boyfriend, "Hizashi can I talk to you outside?" he asked Hizashi, to which he nodded with a confused and concerned look on his face as he walked out with Aizawa. "Yes?" Hizashi asked, Aizawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "They want to put him into foster care, or an orphanage, and I don't want anything to happen to the boy so I was wondering if-" Hizashi cut Aizawa off by engulfing him in a hug, "of course Shota! we've been talking about adopting, so if the boy wants to, I would love to make him apart of our family." Aizawa returned the hug, "We can teach him what an actual family is like." Aizawa said into the crook of Hizashi's neck, Hizashi only hummed in response and petted his boyfriend's hair.

After a small agreement, the two went back into the room to see a still sleeping Izuku but cuddled into Shinso's chest the two sound asleep. Aizawa and Hizashi decided to do the same so they laid down and fell asleep in each other's arms. Soft snoring filled the room.

A few hours later Izuku is the first to wake up, as he awoke he noticed a newfound heat source next to him, startled the young boy jumped backward, and fell off the bed awaking the other people in the room. "Oh my, the little listener are you okay?" Izuku slowly got up only to be hit by a wave of dizziness and to fall into someone's arms. "You ok Midoriya?" Izuku sat back down on the bed feet hanging off the side. "Yes thank you Sensei." The two adults' in the room looked at each other and had a wordless conversation. "As you know you have no one that can take you in right now," Aizawa started, the boy nodded. "So that means you would be put into the foster care system," Hizashi continued, to which the boy nodded again. Then Aizawa continued, "So Hizashi and I were wondering if you would like to join our small family," Hizashi saw Izuku's perplexed expression and added, "of course you don't have to answer right away!" Izuku shook his head, "I-I would l-love to be a-apart of your f-family!" Izuku said, tears running down his face, he was soon engulfed in a bone-crushing hug from the two men who had also lost a few tears in the prosses.

Soon the three pulled away and Shinso spoke up, "Sorry to ruin this heartfelt moment but my parents are wanting me back. I'll see you tomorrow though." He said then gave the boy a hug, to which Shinso happily returned. They all bided their farewells, then the lilac insomniac left.

"Well, then little listener welcome to the family!" Hizashi said giving the boy another hug along with Aizawa. Then Aizawa had to ruin the moment by saying. "You like the boy don't you?" Izuku blushed and hid his face in a pillow. "Aww, don't be embarrassed little listener," Hizashi said while sending Aizawa a death glare. "Sorry Izuku, if I can call you that, but it's okay you know, as long as the boy doesn't hurt or touch you," Aizawa said, mumbling the last bit to himself. Hizashi just rolled his eyes "Why don't we get to sleep, again, your being released tomorrow" Izuku happily nodded his head, "Goodnight, um what do you want me to call you?" Aizawa and Hizashi sat down on the sofa, "Whatever you want little listener, you can call me Hizashi, Papa, Mic, whatever I don't mind." "Okay," Izuku said happily but nervously. "Same goes with me, Aizawa, Dad, Eraser, whatever." Izuku nodded, "Okay," still nervous. "Goodnight child/ little listener." The two males said happily in sync. Then the room fell quiet apart from some soft snoring.


Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. If there was any confusion about Shinso, he lives with his parent, happily and not with Aizawa. Love you all, have a great morning, afternoon, night!

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