Hes here?

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"Yes Izuku, I'm going to go with you, at least for some sort of support," he said sadly, as a man in a bird like mask walked in, "Overtron," Hisashi greeted him professionally, "here they are." Overtron nodded and signaled for one of his assistants to come and take them to a van out back.

After awhile Shigaraki and Izuku woke up to be met with dull but curious eyes. "Why hello there?" Shigaraki said, "hello.. My names Eri, who are you?" "I've seen you before..." Izuku mumbled. "At the park a few months ago before.. oh my god I'm so happy you're okay are you hurt, so you need anything can I help you in anyway?" Izuku asked the hero in him taking over. "I'm okay misters. Are you? You're bleeding quite a bit." I'm okay. And the names Izuku, it's nice to meet You Eri. " Izuku said with a small smile before getting interrupted by Overtron.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. I guess we'll see how well that quirk of yours can hold you together now. What do you think about that Zuzu?"

"Don't call me that," Izuku scowled "Oh a bold one now. We'll see how bold you are when I'm finished with you. Boys, take him to the operation room." A few seconds later a few men in bird masks came in and forcefully dragged Izuku to the operation room

After a few minutes Shigaraki and Eri could hear the sound of his blood dripping to the floor and his raspy, distant, screams, that carried on for a few hours before his bloody, limp, near dead body was thrown into the room with them.

"Holy shit, what he do to you" Shigaraki asked knowing he wasn't going to get any response from the unconscious boy, as he carefully moved him to lay on one of the cots in the room.

After awhile he wakes back up, and slowly stands up, and gives Shigaraki an apologetic look, as he kicks him, not hard enough to inflict a lot of pain but enough to have Shigaraki play along. Shigaraki understand and acts as if he is in pain as Izuku continues to 'hit' him after awhile Overtron comes on with a smug and proud look and takes Izuku with him to do a job.

As he does Shigaraki proves to Eri that he isn't actually hurt, and that Izuku is putting on this roll to get them all out of overtrons control.

After a few weeks of this constant abuse from both parties. Izuku is too weak to do anything, and now just waits in the operation room for his daily session, and rarely sees Shigaraki and Eri.

After awhile hawks (who is still working under cover) tells the UA about overtron and they come up with a plan to defeat him.

Hawks tells them the location of the hideout and what to expect, though he still works with the LOV he was never informed that Izuku was being held there.

So with all that the few hero's who agreed to go on this mission could muster they all hurried, after planning, to go to the hideout. They looked about finding any way in that was subtle; the soon found a back entrance and ran in, they were met with a tall room full of stairs, they all looked up preparing for the climb.

Once they got to the top they went into a hospital looking hall way walking down looking in all the empty rooms, until they stumbled upon, Eri and Shigaraki. Aizawa immediately tangled up Shigaraki in his capture gear. "Wait, wait, wait!" Eri yelled "don't hurt him! He's trying to help I? Iz- Izuku!" Eri said trying to remember the name of the boy.

Aizawa immediately dropped his hold on Shigaraki, "Izuku... is... here?" Aizawa asked and before Shigaraki could answer, there came a blood curling scream from the operation room, from none other then Izuku, all the hero's cautiously ran to the room, aizawa stopping in horror as he sees his son on the operating table, with Overton leaning over him.

Hiiiii sorry about the long awaited chapter, after school got out I took up the hobby of tattoo art, as well as working 6+ hours a day at work so I haven't had much time. Sorry for the wait, please leave any suggestions in the comments and I'll try to update more frequently <3

Before It's Too Late (Abused Deku) (Dadawa) (Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now