Wouldn't Last Long

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Mentions of anorexia


Izuku, Aizawa, Shinso, and Hizashi all walk into the house, Hizashi goes to make dinner while Shinso and Izuku are sitting on the couch, Aizawa is somewhere probably feeding there 4 cats.

After about 30 minutes Hizashi calls for everyone saying that dinner is ready so they all make their way to the dining room. Hizashi, Aizawa, and Shinso sit down while Izuku stands in the corner of the room. "What are you doing problem child come sit down," Aizawa said in a gentle tone, Izuku sat down at the table next to Shinso, with Aizawa and Hizashi in front of him. Izuku sat there looking at his lap Hizashi sighed and said, "You can eat, you don't need to wait for permission." Izuku's eyes lit up as he grabbed the chopsticks and began eating. "why did you stand in the corner?" Hizashi asked, "Sir always put me there to watch him eat." Izuku said. "How much did you eat a week?" Aizawa asked, "once a week if Sir was in a good mood. Usually, only a protein shake because S-Sir didn't want me getting fatter." Izuku said looking at his hands. Shinso put a hand on Izuku's thigh to get his attention making him flinch then looked up at Shinso. "You are beautiful just the way you are, and you are most certainly not fat." Izuku leaned on Shinso's shoulder, "Thank you Hito-Kun."

"Hey, little listener, how much do you weigh?" Izuku looked at his hands and whispered, "84." All three men were shocked, "Can we, please change the s-subject?" Aizawa nodded and they all ate in thoughtful silence.

A few minutes later Izuku pushed his plate forward only eating a little less than half. Aizawa looked up and noticed the none eating child, "Please eat more, child." Izuku grabbed his chopsticks and ate a few more bites before running into the bathroom. Aizawa ran into the bathroom and rubbed circles on the boys back, "Hizashi, can you get some water or some Pocari?" (Similar to Gatorade) Hizashi nodded and went into the kitchen and grabbed some Pocari.

When he returned to the bathroom the boy was still hunched over the toilet gagging not having anything left to regurgitate. Aizawa was still rubbing circles on the boys back.  Hizashi set the drink down by the boy then walked out into the hall not wanting to crowd the boy.

After about 5 minutes the Izuku stopped gagging and fell into Shinso's arms, "I'm sorry," he said hoarsely due to the straining in his throat. "No, it's not your fault, I shouldn't have pushed you, I should have known you wouldn't be used to large amounts of food. We'll get there though." Aizawa said handing the boy the drink, which he happily took and drank slowly.

Aizawa left to talk to Hizashi, Shinso was rocking Izuku in his lap when the boy fell limp as sleep overtook him. Shinso stood up and walked into the living room where Aizawa and mic were, and whispered "Um, Mr. Aizawa? Where is he sleeping?" Aizawa and Hizashi looked up and saw the sleeping boy then Hizashi whispered, "Follow me," Shinso nodded and followed Mic up to a guest bedroom, "You can stay the night and sleep with Izuku if you want if your parents are okay with that is." Shinso nodded and set Izuku on the bed then crawled in behind him and pulled him on his chest. Soon the whole house fell asleep,  but little did they know it wouldn't last long

Feel free to point out any mistakes

Bye love you all and hope you enjoyed💕


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