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Just so everyone knows, all the 1-A students are 16 - 17 years old, still in their 1st year but I aged them up because these kids go through hell at UA and i feel like they should be a tad older!!

Shinso rubbed circles on Izuku's back, Dabi and Toga went and stood next to Hizashi, Aizawa, And Keigo. Aizawa pulled Dabi out into the hall. "What happend? He was fine at the start what changed?" Aizawa asked worry creeping into his tone, "He was okay, Shinso did nothing wrong, just memories

Aizawa clenched his fists tears pricking the sides of his eyes, Dabi wrapped Aizawa in an unexpected hug, to which Aizawa returned hesitantly.

After the two pulled away from each other Aizawa put a hand on the boys shoulder and said, "Thank you, for saving Izuku," Dabi nodded and walked back into the room Aizawa following suit.

When they got back into the room, Izuku was still in Shinso's arms, but no longer crying. Keigo and Hizashi were talking about something related to a resent mission and Toga was fixing her hair. Aizawa walked behind Hizashi and put his head on his shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of Hizashi's neck. "What's wrong?" Hizashi asked kissing the top of Aizawa's head, Aizawa huffed in response and hung onto Hizashi.

Dabi acwardly walked over next to Keigo and sat on a near desk with a small yawn, "Tired Bird?" Keigo asked running his hand thru Dabi's hair. The tips of Dabi's ears turned red and he looked down to the side. "I asked a question Bird," Keigo said pulling Dabi's chin to look at him, Dabi nodded blushing a deep red. "Words~" Keigo cooed, "A bit," Dabi stammerd. Keigo pulled Dabi to his chest and started petting his hair. Shinso looked up at Toga and mouthed Is Izu ok with pet names? Toga nodded as a small devilish smile creeped onto her face. "If we're useing pet names now," Shinso said, "Is there anything you need Kitty~" Shinso whisperd just loud enough for everyone to hear, Izuku blushed and buried his face further into Shinso's chest, "H-Hito-kun?!" Izuku stammered causing Hizashi, Keigo, and Toga to laughed. "But seriously is there anything you want or need?" Izuku pulled away from Shinso's chest a little and said "Well one why are we still in the classroom? Cant we go to the dorms? And I want a bath!"

(Dorms were made after Izuku's hospital incident! They are all moved in!)

Everyone in the room shrugged before they started heading out twords the dorms. Aizawa had his head on Hizashi's shoulder still, Dabi was walking sheepishly close behind Keigo, Toga was walking behind behind the two couples being lonely as fuck, and Shinso was carrying Izuku.

They made it to the dorms all of 1-A were in the common room studying, everyone looked over to the entrance as the doors opend and Hizashi and a very tired Aizawa walked in followed by Keigo, Dark Shadow squawked (squawked? Chirped? I don't know happy bird sounds) when he saw Uncle Hawks and flew twords him but immediately stopped when he saw Dabi behind him, Keigo scratched under Dark Shadow's chin then petted Dabi's hair trying to reason with the bird like creature that Dabi was nice. Dark Shadow and Dabi subconsciously leaned into Keigo's hand, Keigo chuckled "I expected that from the bird not from you Dabi," Dabi blushed and looked away.

All of them yawned and nuzzled into there partner further, well all except Toga, signalling them that it was time to *clap* get *clap* the *clap* fuck *clap* to *clap* bed. Hizashi nodded to the students and the 7 went to the elevator to the 4th floor. On the elevator Hizashi said "We should go to the hospital tomarrow to get you checked on if your up for it Zuku," Izuku tiredly nodded before the elevator dinged and the doors opend and they all went to there designated rooms. Dabi going with Keigo and Toga going into a vacant room at the end of the hall. Aizawa and Hizashi snuggled together and fell asleep, Keigo forced Dabi to lay on his chest causing Dabi to fall asleep soon followed by Keigo. Shinso and Izuku went into their room Izuku took a bath and dressed into one of Shinso's hoodies before both crawling into bed tangled in each other's limbs and fell asleep.


Hope you enjoyed.

Feel free to point out any mistakes .

Have a good day, night, afternoon, where ever you are in this world.

Bye my buzzy beautiful sunshine nuggets pika pika!

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