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Hello my buzzy beautiful sunshine nuggets, I'm back sorta, I'm going to slowly very slowly ease back into updating,  and they might be much shorter then usual so I'm going to update at most once every 2 weeks, only on this story. love you all and thank you for those who have stuck with me. Now onto the much awaited chapter.

Thank you all for 11

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Thank you all for 11.6k I love and appreciate all of you!!!
Also, i had a suggestion to not describe Izuku's signing as much as I do so if when he does sign I'm going to be using Italics for example: Izuku signed hello, as Aizawa walked into the room. if that makes sense

Now onto the story




The next morning, Shinso woke up, him and Izuku still snuggling on the couch, everyone else probably still sound asleep in their dorms. Shinso woke up before Izuku, so he decided to make breakfast, after his coffee of course, Shinso made a traditional American breakfast of; Eggs, potatoes, and if wanted either bacon, sausage, or tofu.

Everyone slowly started coming out of their rooms, due to the smell of the food, Bakugo is mad at Kaminari for putting pastel pink hair dye in his shampoo, Kirishima was running around trying to calm him down. Mina came down laying on Sero's shoulder tiredly. Toga was chatting with Uraraka. Keigo and Dabi came stumbling down shortly after. Asui and Koda came down with a small white tree frog named Atlas, looking to be up for quite sometime. Orjiro came down shaking his head at Kaminari's stupidity. Kirishima some how managed to calm Bakugo and brought them both down.

Izuku had woken up by now, and was cradling his arm, as he walked over to Shinso. "They're going to hurt you," he mumbles to Shinso. "Who?" Shinso asked, "The league... they want back at me and they are going to do that, by hurting you." Izuku whispers before walking to Mic, and Aizawa, and snuggling up into Aizawa, who holds him close.

After a while everyone gets some food, eating it, even Izuku.  After a bit they all went their separate ways, Shinso and Izuku went up to their shared dorm room, Izuku flopped onto the bed and muffled into the mattress said, " give me attention" in a low whine, Shinsou merely laughed and sat slowly onto the bed, "How about.... hmmm.... we cuddle and watch Disney movies?" He suggested to which Izuku sat upright and flopped against  Shinsou's shoulder, causing him to chuckle once again, and turn to have Izuku straddling his hips so he can easily pick up the very light boy, as he walked over to the desk, to grab his remote, and sat back don having the smaller boy laying on top of his chest. Shinsou lightly traced his fingertips down the boys back, feeling every dip of his spine, as he browsed for a movie. "How about Lilo and Stripes?" (hehe love copyright) Shinsou asked, Izuku nodded and watched as Shinsou started the film.

After a bit Kirishima and Bakugo had joined, Kirishima some how keeping Bakugo calm, -who in truth really cared for Izuku, and wanted to make sure he was okay, but didn't want Izuku thinking that he was just being an asshole, or going soft for that matter- As Kirishima and Bakugo were cuddled up on the floor, Izuku started drifting off to sleep, shaking his head to try to stay awake and finish the now "The Fox and the Bee" ( bees?! Oh my god I love bees!! -if you know what that is from please be my friend-) "Go to sleep dumb ass" Bakugo mumbled, "Get some rest, don't exhaust yourself Deku..."  Izuku open his mouth to say some thing, but instead got up, and curled up in Bakugo and Kiri's laps and drifted off to sleep, in hailing Bakugo's familiar caramel sent as well as Kirishima's freshly dyed hair.

Bakugo lightly, and awkwardly, patted Izuku's head, earning a "Don't even think about it." and a glare from protective Shinso, causing Bakugo to glare back, and Kirishima to chuckle nervously.

After a hour or do they all fell asleep, cuddled up, well besides Shinso, who moved to the corner of the bed, pouting, holding his frog squishmellow, as he sleeps without a cuddle buddy.

Before It's Too Late (Abused Deku) (Dadawa) (Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now