I Will Help You

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Panic attack

The two males were sitting and talking when the 5-minute bell rang and they got up and headed towards the classroom.

Time skip brought to you by a tired Aizawa

The two boys made it to class, Shinso stopped to talk to the homeroom teacher. Izuku, on the other hand, hurried to his desk and looked out the window, not wanting anyone to see his eye.

A few minutes later, the whole class was sitting down and conversating, Izuku however just put his head in his arms.

Aizawa gave everyone a death glare to quiet everyone down and brought their attention to him, the green bean, however, kept his head down. "Midoriya?" Aizawa said in a harsh tone to which the battered boy flinched and looked up at his teacher. "Y-Yes sensi?" "Well at first I was just trying to get your attention but now that I have it, what happened to your eye?" The boy paused for a moment to figure out what to say, "oh um when I was walking home yesterday I-I tripped and h-hit my head, thus c-causing a black eye." The boy replied forgetting that he told a boy with violet hair a completely different answer. "Be more careful problem child," Aizawa said a bit of suspicion and worry creeping into usually emotionless voice. Izuku nodded and put his gaze to the hands in his lap. "Do whatever just don't wake me up, I'm too tired to teach," Aizawa said slipping into his sleeping bag. The class instantly erupted into chatter. Izuku put his head back to the desk hoping to be left alone.

After a few minutes, a certain purple cat made his way to his friend's desk. "Hey, Midoriya?" Izuku jumped in his seat and put his hands up defensively, forgetting that he was at school. "Midoriya?" The cat man questioned as he took a seat in the desk in front of Izuku facing him. Izuku lowered his arms "Hey Shinso." The boy said putting in a small smile. "What do you need?"

"Well for starters what actually happened to your eye? It wasn't during an after school training and it wasn't while you were walking so what actually happened?" Shinso asked with worry and a bit of anger in his voice. If I tell him he'll tell sensi, why would he care anyway. He probably doesn't care he's only pitying you, no one cares your just a worthless, useless, ugly-" Izuku's mumbles were cut off by Shinso's arms wrapping around him, Izuku tensed at the unfamiliar action before melting into the hug. "I don't pity you Izu, I'm your friend because I think you're amazing. You are in no sorts ugly, useless, nor worthless. You are wonderful," Shinso hugged the boy tighter. Izuku winced as the boy, he's come to love, hits a very sensitive marking on his side. Shinso looks at the boy with a worried and confused look. "Can I e-explain everything l-later?" The Izuku askes looking at his hands. "Sure Izu," Izuku blushes slightly at the nickname he loves.

Time skip to the end of the day

Izuku was walking out towards the entrance of UA when he saw a familiar head of lilac hair. He walked over to him and lightly tugged at his shirt. Shinso turned around and was met with a mob of unruly green hair. "Oh, hey izu, ready to talk?" Izuku nodded but kept his gaze down. Shinso placed two fingers under his chin and lifted his head to look at him. "Izu, I'm going to help you, no matter what it is." A smile tugged at the side of his lips. "How about we go to the park to talk, yeah?" Izuku only hummed in response.

Smol time skip at the park

The two boys sat on a bench, Izuku spoke first. "W-what I'm about to tell you, mustn't be repeated." He let out a shaky breath, "I promise Izu," the lilac haired boy said as he gripped the other boy's hand.  Izuku let out a breath and held back his tears. "M-My father h-he-" Izuku couldn't even finish the sentence before his body wracked with sobs. Shinso instantly knew what he was implying he was over raged for the man that hurt his Izuku, but right now all he was worried about was helping Izuku. The boy in his arms was shaking and hyperventilating he had just entered a panic attack. "Hey, Izu, shh it's okay" he brought the boy's head to his chest. "Izu can you try and match my breathing can you do that for me?"

After a few minutes, Izuku's breath was mostly normal. "You okay now Izu?" Izuku nodded, "I-I have to g-get h-home." "What Izu I can't let you go, I can't let him hurt you." "Shinso it's ok, I-I've dealt with it s-since I was 5 what's a few more m-months? Can you just bring s-some bandages t-tomorrow?" Izuku asked wiping a stray tear. "Of course Izu I'm going to help you ok, I promise," Izuku gives Shinso one more hug before heading home. He practically ran home not wanting to add on to the punishment with him already being 30 minutes late. What was waiting for him he did not know but he knew after it, he would never be late again.


Love you all next chapter will be in a few hours! I'm really excited about this book I don't completely how it's going to go, but I hope it turns out well.

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