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Same as always and a lot of swearing so beware

After awhile Shinsou was woken up by the sound of screaming from inside the room, when he opened his eyes, he saw his boyfriend, who he loved, getting burnt by a blade pressed against his side, he tried to scream, and run towards him, but little did he know what that he was tied down to a chair, with a piece of cloth in his mouth. "Oh look who decided to wake up," Hisashi said, looking over at him, pressing the blade a bit further into his side "No!" Izuku yelled "D-Don't h-hurt him!" Hisashi smirked, "I wasn't planning on it, this is hurting him enough" he said viciously pushing Izukus head down onto the floor.

Shinsou pulled against the ropes, yelling into the fabric, "what's this? You want to say something? Very well. Twice." He snapped his fingers and twice came from behind Shinsou pulling off the gag. "Get your fucking hands off him! You fucking dick head! What the fuck is wrong with you! To think you could do this to anyone! What kind of father are you you fucking assh-!!" Shinsou yelled, tho Twice interrupting him, by smacking his face, "Shinsou.." Izuku muttered, "Who gave you permission to speak?!" Hisashi yelled, bringing his attention back to Izuku, cutting a long gash down his side, before getting up and kicking him a few times, "Twice untie him." Hisashi said walking out, Twice did as told before walking out as well.

Shinsou rushed to Izuku, who was gasping in pain, and put pressure on the wound on his side. "Hey, hey it's okay, it's okay." He ripped a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around Izuku's side. "I'm okay," Izuku whispered and sat up painfully, Shinsou held onto him protectively, kissing the top of his head. I love you Izu." He mumbled "I love yo-" Izuku started before he let sleep over take him.

Back at UA (the 2 have been gone for about 14 hours)

"Where the fuck are they?" Aizawa said to mic, pacing their room. "They probably fell asleep at a park, or something" Mic said hopefully. "For 7 hours!? I don't think so," Aizawa said, "I'm going to look for them. Are you coming?" "Yeah I'm coming"

The two walked downstairs, where an also nervous Bakugo and Kirishima were. "We're going to look for the boys, wanna join?" Mic said the two said of course simultaneously, and got up, following them out.

They took Mics car and drove around, stopping at the park, where Aizawa's car was parked, they all got out, and looked in the car, then went walking around, they walked around and couldn't find anything, so they went back to UA, and when they got there the tv was playing a program on loop of a recording twice took, after Izuku woke up, the founds of beatings, onto when Shinsou woke up, him screaming at Hisashi, then the recording stopped, then started again. Aizawa was crying, heartbroken by the scene playing in front of him, the only thing on his mind being, murder.

Before It's Too Late (Abused Deku) (Dadawa) (Shindeku)Where stories live. Discover now