Look Up and See Shinso

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Trigger Warning
Mini panic attack

After about an hour Izuku finally woke up still tangled in Aizawa's capture gear as well as sandwiched between the two. Aizawa and Hizashi were asleep so Izuku whispered to Toga, who was the only one awake at the moment, "Help meeeee!!"  Toga laughed and tapped Hizashi's shoulder waking him up. "Yes?" He asked tiredly, toga merely gestures to the boy in-between the two, making Hizashi look down and was met with Izuku's beautiful, but dull, green eyes. "Oh, sorry little Listener," Hizashi said with a chuckle moving away from the two.

Once Izuku was able to move he made grabby hands towards Toga, Toga laughed and walked over to Izuku picking him up easily, due to his malnourishment, Izuku then pointed to Shinsou. Toga carried Izuku to Shinsou and started lowering him down gently, Izuku shook his head and made a dropping gesture with his hand. Toga  understood him, so she raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure!?" Izuku nodded, making Toga sigh she complied and lightly dropped the boy onto Shinso's lap, causing the boy to wake up with a small yelp.

Once Shinso realized who was in his lap he kissed Izuku's forehead, making Izuku give off a small pout. "What?" Shinso asked clearly confused on why the boy wasn't excepting his love, Izuku sighed and tapped his lips, Shinso looked at the boy in his lap still very confused on what his lover wanted. Toga laughed and said "He wants you to kiss his lips," Izuku closed his eyes and nodded with agreement, Shinso smiled and pecked Izuku's lips.

Izuku let out an exasperated sigh before pulling his and Shinso's lips together again, this time for much longer.

By now everyone was woken up Toga, Dabi, and Keigo were aweing at the young couple, Hizashi was holding Aizawa back by his own capture gear covering his mouth so he couldn't make any remarks to brake up the young couple.

Izuku covered his mouth and sat up shaking the slightest bit as he moved away from Shinso, putting his head in-between his knees.

Toga and Dabi seemed to understand what was happening so they rushed over to his side, "Look up," Dabi said "Look up and see the face of your lover, look up and see the face of the man you have so desperately longed for." He said "Look up and see Shinso," Toga continued, "Not the face of that vial man." Izuku hesitantly looked up and was meet with violet, warm eyes, not Green orbs filled with anger and forcefulness. Izuku smiled and reached out towards Shinso, Shinso pulled his lover into his lap and Izuku began crying into his shoulder.                

Ahhh sorry its short I didn't know what else to add I stared at this for like 20 minutes trying to come up with something. Don't you hate it when writers block pops up in the middle off a chapter.

Don't be afraid to point out any mistakes.

And again thank yo all for voting, adding this to a reading list, or just reading the story! 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed have a good day, night, where ever you are in this world, bye loves!

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