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Possible trigger warning

The next morning Hizashi was the first to wake, he snaked his way out of Aizawa's arms and goes down the hall into the coffee room, to get coffee for them all.

(I Don't know if your hospitals have the same thing but the ones I've been to have a room designated for coffee and tea)

After he got the coffee he went back to the room and sees Aizawa and Izuku still asleep. Hizashi set the coffees down on the end table and went over to Aizawa and whispered. "Hun? You need to wake up." Aizawa groaned and turned over to face Hizashi. "Why?" Aizawa asked groggily, "Because," Hizashi said crossing his arms. "I'm up, " Aizawa said standing up. "Now give me attention, " (cat man smh) Hizashi laughed and wrapped his arms around Aizawa's waist, Aizawa returned the hug by placing his arms on Hizashi's shoulders.

Hizashi pecked Aizawa's lips, "You're such a bottom." He said with a chuckle, but before Aizawa could protest the two heard a giggle coming from the bed. "Why good morning little listener, I didn't hear you get up." Izuku looked down and fumbled with his hands and picked at the skin around his fingers.

The two men came over and sat down on the bed. "You okay Child?" Izuku looked up and put on his largest fake smile, "I'm fine, thank you." Aizawa and Hizashi looked at each other, then Hizashi spoke up. "Please don't give us that, if we're going to see your smile we want it to be real." Izuku dropped his smile as a tear rolled down his cheek, "Now, can you tell us what's bothering you?" Izuku quickly wiped his tear with his hand, "I had a dream and now I'm scared, I'm scared I'm going to mess something up with you guys, cause you to hate and leave me. I'm terrified that, that he is going to come back, I feel like I got you into trouble." Izuku said wiping a few more tears and begins to shake slightly.

"Izuku nothing you do, or can make Hizashi or I hate you, or think any less of you. I am not going to let anyone hurt you like that vial man did, ever again and I'm pretty sure Hizashi agrees with me, and Hizashi and I can take care of ourselves okay?" Izuku nods and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

"Now," Hizashi said happily, "It's time for a hug." Aizawa and Hizashi opened their arms then Izuku crawled over and put his head in Hizashi's chest then Aizawa sandwiched Izuku.

After a few minutes, they pulled away and sat in comfortable silence, then Aizawa spoke up. "Are you ready to go home tonight?" Izuku nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready for some real food." Hizashi and Aizawa laughed, "What do you want for dinner little listener?" Hizashi said. "If it's not to much trouble, can we have Katsudon?" "Of course!" Hizashi and Aizawa said in sync.

Soon a knock on the door was heard and in came Shinso. Shinso and Izuku locked eyes for a moment before they both looked away blushing. Then Hizashi had to go and ruin the cute moment with, "Awwww, " Izuku blushed deeper and put his head in his hands out of embarrassment. "Is the child embarrassed?" Aizawa said. "Please stop," Shinso groaned out, the two laughed and nodded then Hizashi said, "Well the coffee is cold so I and Aizawa are going to go get some more."

Aizawa and Hizashi stood up and walked out the door on their way out Aizawa stopped in front of Shinso and said, "Hurt him and you will be expelled from UA, along with probably life." Aizawa said in his emotionless voice along with his deadly death glare. Shinso nodded and walked over to Izuku's bead and sat down. "what he say?" Izuku said tilting his head to the side, "Oh, Um he just told me not to mess anything up," Shinso said blushing and grabbing Izuku's hand.  " Would you w-want to come to dinner tonight, well that is if Aizawa and Hizashi are okay with that I wouldn't want to do anything their unhappy with I mean I did just move-"  Shinso cut Izuku off by kissing him on the forehead, "Your cute when you mumble, and if they would have me. Maybe you and I could get ice cream after yeah?" Izuku blushed darker if that was even possible and nodded, "I'd like to thank you." then Shinso gave Izuku's hand a reassuring squeeze. After that Izuku and Shinso talked about randomness till a doctor came in and instantly Izuku stopped talking.

"Hi Midoriya, I'm here to give you one last checkup before your released. Is that ok?" the doctor asked, "Can we wait till Aizawa and Hizashi come back?" Izuku asked keeping his gaze on his and Shinso's intertwined hand. "Of course, may I get set up though?" she asked, Izuku nodded then she progressed to get out scissors, bandages, alcohol, and gauze. She then sat down and tried to make a conversation with Izuku but he just kept quiet.

A few minutes later an annoyed Hizashi and an apologetic Aizawa came in the room, "I don't care if you are tired-" Hizashi started before he saw the doctor, "Oh hi, sorry if we kept you waiting this one kept drinking the coffee," Aizawa rolled his eyes, "What can we help you with miss?" his gaze going to the scissors, bandages, alcohol, and gauze. "I'm here to give young Midoriya his last checkup, he wanted to wait till you were in the room to continue." the doctor said, "Very well then, whenever Izuku is ready." then the two went and sat next to Izuku. Hizashi saw the two boys intertwined hands and poked Aizawa and tilted his head towards the two's hands. Aizawa mouth a 'www' then the doctor said, "Are you ready?" Izuku nodded "can you please take off your shirt please?" Izuku looked taken back then stood up and took off his shirt facing away from everyone as much as possible as well as covering himself up,  embarrassed of all his scares and stitches. Shinso came up behind him and hugged him then whispered in his ear for only him to hear, "Don't cover your self up you are beautiful just the way you are, scares in all," Izuku leaned into Shinso's touch and turned back to the doctor and Shinso let go and sat down still holding his hand.

Small-time skip to after the doctor was done     

"Thank you Midoriya now all we need is your Dads' signatures and you are free to go." Izuku nodded and the doctor handed the two men a piece of paper, "just turn that into the front desk on your way out she said before leaving with all her supplies. "Um, I was wondering if Shinso could come over for dinner?" The two men nodded and then Hizashi said, "We were going to invite him over anyway," Aizawa nodded in agreement

After a few minutes, the two boys were almost out of there gay panic when they decided to leave. Izuku changed into normal clothes then they all left after tuning in the paper to the front desk.


Hope you enjoyed it!

Don't be afraid to point out any mistakes!

Ok, the quick question would you like me to write Shinso's name as 'Shinso' or 'Shinsou' there is no difference I was just wondering what you guys' would preferer?

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