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A Month Time Skip

It has been a month, Nazu, Aizawa, Hizashi, and Shinso were getting a bit closer every day (✨everyday imma getting closer to taking a bath with my fucking toaster) to finding Izuku and the LOV, but it still wasn't enough. But little did they know Dabi, and Toga had a plan for today.

Today was the day they were getting out. Toga had overheard Hisashi and All For One talking about a job they were going to today, so the three made a plan.

Hisashi and All For One came into the prison-like room and gave Izuku his daily horrible beating, giving Dabi and Toga a few hits as they went but nothing compared to Izuku's.

After they were all positive that All For One and Hisashi along with the others had left, they found an open window and ran towards the direction of UA. Dabi had Izuku on his back pleading him to stay awake, due to the brutal beating only an hour before, Toga was ahead making sure they didn't accidentally run into any unwanted people.

They ran for about 30 minutes before UA came into there field of view, they had no idea what day it was, so they didn't know if school was in session or not but they didn't care they were free. They ran threw the gate sounding the alarm due to not having IDs. "Hey, kid what class is yours?" Dabi asked, "1-A," Izuku mumbled.

After a few minutes, they stopped in front of the large door and opened it revealing a large room filled with a simi panicked class due to the alarm being sound. Dabi and Toga were panting as Dabi moved Izuku to hold him in a bridle position, "Hi, no time to explain, he needs medical attention!" Dabi explained as Shinso ran to Izuku's side and took him from Dabi. Aizawa got his capture weapon out and went to strike at the two villains before a very horse voice was heard, "Don't hurt them...helped," Izuku struggled to say as his eyelids get heavier "No, no kid keep those eyes open can you do that for me? Keep them open." Izuku nodded as he leaned into Shinso as Aizawa called Nazu and Recovery Girl to the classroom, dismissing the rest of the class back to their dorms.

After a few minutes, Nazu and Recovery Girl came into the room. RG instantly went over to Izuku and kissed his forehead causing him to go limp in Shinso's arms. Shinso moved Izuku so he was laying his head on his chest, "Thank you," Shinso said looking up at the two Villains that were getting bandaged by RG, the two nodded. Hizashi slammed the door open and his eyes landed on Izuku, he choked back a sob at the barely clothed, bruised, and bloodied state of his son. "Little Listener?!" Hizashi cried as Aizawa wrapped his arms around his husband, shedding a few tears of his own.

Soon the most dreaded question was asked, "What the hell happened?" Aizawa asked looking at the two Villains. The two looked at each other then at the sleeping Izuku, and Toga said sadly, "I don't know if that's our story to tell." She said looking down at her shaking hands. "Then what happend to you two?" Nazu asked "Hisashi and All For One." Dabi said hesitantly "They hit you?" Hizashi asked to which the two teens nodded. Aizawa then spoke up, "Hizashi-" the two teens visibly winced at the name to which all the adults noticed "Mic," Aizawa said hesitantly, getting no reaction he continued, "Can you get food and water for them, they look starved?" Hizashi nodded and left the room.

"What's wrong with Mic's name?" Aizawa asked looking at the two "Too much like Hisashi," Toga said quietly to which Dabi nodded in agreement. Aizawa nodded and went over to the crying Shinso, with Izuku still asleep on his chest, and tried to comfort him.

After a few minutes, Hisashi came back with some take out and handed it to the two teens who instantly started eating. "How long has it been since you've had a decent meal?" RG asked, Dabi finished chewing then replied, "Us, about a week, Izuku, not since he got there they wouldn't feed him we had to give him ours just to keep him alive," he said sadly. Aizawa, Hizashi, and Shinso were beyond mad and everyone could tell. "We're sorry, we tried to get him out sooner but we got caught the last time," Toga said shivering at the memory of Izuku's screams and pleading. "Hey, no Little Listeners, you guys did enough he would probably be dead if you guys didn't help him," Hizashi said with a reassuring smile. "What happend after you got caught?" Aizawa asked the two teens looked up with shock and tears brinking their eyes, Dabi shook his head. "Hey, it's okay, forget I asked okay" The two nodded their gaze going to Izuku as he started waking up.

Izuku woke up with a start and scurried to the nearest wall putting his arms up in defense. Dabi and Toga sighed as they stood up and walked over to Izuku. "Izuku-Kun we are at the UA not there, okay, your safe, they are not here, okay?" Izuku put his hands down and looked around the room, "Aizawa! Shinso! Hiz-" Izuku paled slightly at the name and shook his head, Shinso walked over to Izuku and kissed his forehead "It's ok Angel," Izuku meet Shinso's eyes and weakly put his hand on his cheek, "Y-Your here!" Izuku said tears in his eyes, Shinso nodded and leaned into Izukus touch, Izuku pulled himself up as best he could and connected the two's lips together Shinso kissed back as Izuku put his arms around the boy's neck Shinso on Izuku's waist. The two kissed for a few minutes before Aizawa cleared his throat breaking the two's kiss.

Hope you enjoyed love! Don't be afraid to point out any mistakes. Have a great day, night, afternoon where ever you are in the world!

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