They'll be Looking for Us.

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I just wanna say in this story Recovery Girl can only take the pain away for a certain amount of time, and only once a day. I did this because I want more Dadzawa and dadmic, along cute Shindeku moments. Please don't come at me, please!

Trigger warning
Mentions on abuse, knives, language, and rape

Izuku pulled away with a slight pout, making everyone chuckle. "You hungry little listener?" Hisashi asked putting out a box of noodles, Izuku's eyes lit up and he started eating rapidly, stopping after a few minutes covering his mouth with his hand desperately trying to keep the food down. Shinso wrapped his arms around the boy gently and whispered in his ear, "Don't think about it focus on me" Shinso started lightly kissing Izuku's forehead trying to distract him and succeeded. Izuku hummed in response then sleep overtook him once more.

"He really loves you you know," Toga said looking at the two in each other arms. "Hm?" Shinso asked looking up at Toga, "After the first- " Toga paused, "Incident he told us all about you, how warm you were, how you smelled, your sleeping habit, your obsession with cats. After every time he would always ask for you, he would say how much he loves you into the open air, you were his lifeline." Shinso blushed at this new information and brushed a curl off of Izuku's face, "I love you too," he said caressing his cheek, "Ok, love Birds Hawks said making himself known scaring everyone in the room, causing Shinso to accidentally shake Izuku awake. Izuku groggy rubbed his eyes and saw Keigo out of the corner of his eye and tiredly said " Dabi-Kun! It's your bo-" Dabi cut him off "Nope, nope, nope stop!" Izuku chuckled lightly and huddled into Shinso, Keigo controlled one of his feathers to tickle Dabi's ear making him blush and hide his face in his hands.

After a few minutes of Keigo flirting with Dabi, Izuku let out a small whine, as Shinso felt his shirt start to get damp, "What's wrong?" Shinso said as he moved Izuku so he could see him clearly, "Hurts," Izuku said between sobs as he looked at Toga and Dabi desperately, the two nodded and Dabi asked, "Can someone get some proper disinfecting and a needle and thread?" Aizawa nodded and left to the nurse's office. "Hold his hand." Toga said towards Shinso, Shinso complied and squeezed his hand.

A few minutes later, Aizawa came back with the necessary items and handed them to Dabi. Toga unwrapped the bandage around his right thigh, that no one seemed to notice, revealing a bruised and bloodied limb, "I'm going to clean the wound okay Izuku-Kun this is going to hurt like a bitch, but you can cry now okay." Izuku nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, then Toga poured the disinfecting on his leg making Izuku scream a raspy scream squeezing Shinso's hand, Aizawa and Hizashi trying to say reassuring things to comfort the small boy.

After Toga cleaned the wound Dabi stitched it, they repeated the same thing on the other leg and his biceps, Izuku reacting the same every time. "Can you please tell us what happened?" Keigo asked, Dabi looked at Izuku for confirmation to which he nodded making tired grabby hands towards Aizawa and Hizashi. Hizashi and Aizawa wrapped the boy in a sandwich hug, gently, Izuku wrapping himself in Aizawa's capture gear and falling asleep.

After the boy was asleep everyone looked at Toga and Dabi in anticipation, Dabi sighed and began to tell everyone of the horrid events of the past month. He told them about how they started pinning him to the floor on his second day there and did it every day since he told them about carving words into his flesh, he told them about the sexual abuse, the alcohol he was forced to consume, how they could hear his agonizing screams from the hall, how the two vile men refused him food, how he couldn't walk, speak, cry, scream when he was near the men, and if he did the reprimanding was unbearable.

Everyone was in tears by the end of Dabi's explanation, Toga was shakings as the memories replayed in her head, Aizawa and Hizashi were holding the boy as if he would disappear, Keigo was holding back tears as he hugged a crying Dabi, Shinso was crying and shakings with rage. "I'm going to kill those fuckers!" Shinso whisper shouted still aware of his sleeping boyfriend "And we will," Dabi said, "We know where the hideout is, but we have to do it as soon as possible they'll be looking for us." Toga said playing with Keigo's hair, "We'll call all hero's to a meeting and attack soon," Aizawa said as he stroked Izuku's hair.

Hope you enjoyed loves!

Feel free to point out ant mistakes, again thank you for all the views and to those who voted!

Have a good day, night, afternoon, where ever you are in the world!

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