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"Hi baby." I smiled bending down to hug the little girl running into my arms. "Mommy! I made a friend today!" Jade yelled I smiled letting go of her to walk to my car.

"Really?" I asked she nodded "Her name is Abby! She's so funny mommy." She smiled I gave my daughter a kiss on the cheek before buckling her in. "That's good baby I'm glad you're making new friends, do you want pizza for dinner?" I asked she nodded.

Pizza again this week. It's all I could really afford but not for long hopefully, I start my new job tomorrow. Being the assistant to some marketing manger is something I never thought I'd be but it's an easy job and pays extremely well. It's just been Jade and I since she was born. Her dad was never in the picture unsurprisingly he left when I found out I was pregnant. I've always wanted a child so I promised myself I would do this on my own raise my daughter on my own. It's been hard but I wouldn't trade anything for little Jade. She's 5 now I had her when I was 19. I moved out of San Diego only last year I live in New York now, the city of possibility's huh?

I don't have much of anyone here a few friends no family they're all back in Nashville where I was born. It's hard having Jade and her being away from most of her family. My friend Selena is close with her the only person she calls her auntie it's adorable. I've been trying to find Jade a new dad I've been getting lonely the few dates I've been on all ended terribly.

Beside the date with a handsome man Joe I practically fell in love if only he would've told me he was gay before I did. We're still friends he's dating another handsome man and I couldn't be happier for them.

"Pizza for my little princess." I set down our plates Jade took the slice in her hand bitting it we spent the night doing the usual watching tv and laying down with Olivia my fur ball friend.

"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight mommy." Jade whispered snuggling closer to me I held the little girl in my arms. I promise I'll get us a better life baby. I promise.


Fucking hell every single person here looked intimidating. I walked down the long hallway a few people glancing my way I held my head low. Finally reaching the front desk where a short older girl sat.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked her smile wide a little too wide. "Hi, I'm Taylor Swift new assistant for Karlie kloss?" I smiled she looked up from her computer again raising an eyebrow but quickly replaced her unsure glance with a smile. "Yes sorry Karlie isn't here at the moment but get used it to she's rarely on time her office is down that hall it's hard to miss." She winked I nodded tuning on my heels to walk towards her room.

I opened the door the lights were off but the bright morning sun of New York lit the room. The window view was huge and beautiful. Her office was also worryingly big she had a glass table computers and papers all over frames of her accomplishments hung on the grey walls.

I turned at the sound of the door.

"Shit sorry I'm-

"Oh hi." She smiled her dark green eyes meeting my equally as dark blue ones. "Hi."

"Sorry I'm late you're Taylor?" She asked I nodded she walked closer toward me I couldn't help but feel nervous for some reason. "Karlie, kloss." She offered her hand I took it in mine. Glancing at our hands amused by the noticeable size difference her hands were huge.

"Taylor Swift."

"Well Taylor today I'll just have a black coffee. Could you get that for me doll?" She smiled

"I..uh yes." I chocked on my words at her devilish smirk. "Thank you." She said taking a seat in the large leather chair.

I walked to the door leaving her office to grab a coffee.

I've never been interested in girls sure sometimes I'd feel experimental but I've never felt an attraction towards them. I couldn't help but notice how nervous I felt around the taller girl she stood high and strong she new who she was and the power she held was large. Her long glances made me weak in the knees.

You're Straight Taylor. And she's your fucking boss!

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts walking in the Starbucks to grab her a coffee.

This is going to be interesting but the one thing that kept me going was the promise to Jade we'd have a better life.

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