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"Can I get this please mom!!" Jade asks pulling at my sweater to a different aisle. "Wait baby we'll go see those in a bit." I tell her she groans and crosses her arms but follows us.

"So he's gonna be a dinosaur?" Karlie asks holding up a small costume. "That's good right?" I ask Karlie nods but Ezra doesn't seem very enthusiastic about his costume.

I pulled out a brighter red and he seemed to like that one a lot more. "Do you like this one baby?" I asked he smiled and pulled it from my hand so I had my answer. "Baba!" He whined taking his grabby hands and pushing to Karlie she took him from my arms and we walked with Jade to get her costume.

"Which one do you want hun?" I asked she ran towards the Merida costume and pulled it out smiling wide. "You want to be her hmm?" I smiled and nodded and we put it in the cart while continuing to get some Halloween stuff.

"What do you wanna be babe?" I asked wrapping my arm around Karlie. "I don't know I'm not good at picking costumes thought you might pick one for me?" She asked I smiled and nodded.

After we paid and got home I took Ezra a bath before putting him to sleep.

"Jade Halloween is not till next week are you sure you want to try on your costume?" I asked she nodded very quickly eager to put it on I helped her get it on and she ran to the mirror smiling as she did a little twirl.

"You look so cute baby." I whispered Karlie walked in with a smile as well. "Are you gonna shoot me with your bow?" She smirked Jade giggled and pointed it to her before shooting her Karlie faked hurt and fell to the ground I smiled watching them okay around for a while.

"I can't fight any longer you're really killing me!" Karlie gasped Jade giggled and laid down on the floor with her she wrapped her arms around her. They were living in their own moment it was like they forgot I was here.

"I won't kill you." She smiled

"I love you." Jade whispered her eyes falling sleepy

"I love you too Jade." Karlie smiled hugging her tighter. My heart was so warm it was heating my whole body. I never thought Jade would have someone else in her life this trusting this close this loving. I'm so lucky to have Karlie.

"I love you guys." I whispered Jade was falling asleep as I change her back into her clothes. Karlie put her to sleep and walked with me back to our room.

"You're so good with her." I mumbled Karlie smiled kissing me. "I love her. I love you and Ezra and Jade and whoever this is." She smiled rubbing my stomach. "I wish I was showing more I would've loved those pregnancy costumes." I smiled she nodded laying down with me.

"What are you thinking?" Karlie asked moving some hair out of my face. "I'm thinking of you." I smiled


"Always am."

"Me too." She mumbled moving closer to kiss me her kisses moved down to my neck and her hands slipped under my cardigan. "Go lock the door." I spoke she left a lingering kiss before she stood.

Edit: hi...UGH! I know I promised weekly updates and of course I didn't keep it I'm sorry. Here's this short chapter also I think uhh it's like way past Halloween in this book but let's just pretend its not haha. Hope you liked this cute little fluff byeeee.

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