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"So which one will mommy like?" I asked turning to Jade she scanned the glass staring at the rings she hummed a little her thinking face was the same as Taylor's she pouted her lip a little and got really focused it was adorable.

"This one?" She said I leaned down a little staring at the ring it was beautiful and the price was almost brighter than the diamond. "She'll like it a lot right?" I asked Jade nodded.

After buying the ring Jade picked out things her mom would love some candies and more snacks and some other cute things. I'd already got Jade a lot of things before coming here I hid them and tomorrow I was gonna surprise her.

"Should we get ice cream before going back to mommy?" I asked Jade nodded furiously I laughed a little buckling her in.

Taylor was hesitant to let Jade and I go out alone she didn't want to stay back at the hotel but we were gonna go have dinner tonight and go to the beach so she agreed.

"What flavor?" I asked

"Umm swirl!"

"Okay." I smiled ordering some ice cream for Taylor and Jade I even ordered one myself knowing what happened last time.

"Mommy!" Jade yelled running straight to Taylor as I opened the door. I set down some things I got myself making sure I kept Taylor's gifts in the car.

"Hi baby." Taylor smiled picking up Jade she was wearing a bathing suit and a light see through cover up over. I turned away scared to look at her in that around Jade.

"We got you ice cream." Jade said Taylor thanked her with a kiss on the cheek Jade smiled running on the bed to finish her ice cream and watch tv with her toys. Taylor walked towards me I felt her arms wrap around my waist. "Hey." I said nervously

"I was swimming for a while."

"I could tell." I smiled kissing her cheek

"Isn't it cold out?" I asked Taylor nodded a little taking a spoon of ice cream to her mouth. "Only 67 but the hot tub was warm." She smiled I nodded staring down at her body which never failed to amaze me.

"So what'd you two do?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Nothing much it was fun hanging with the cooler swift." I teased she rolled her eyes smiling.

"I can be fun!" Taylor whined a little I smiled to myself only a few more words exchanged with her and I noticed she was a little tipsy. "You need to get changed dinners in 2 hours." I said she groaned throwing herself on the untouched bed. "Is Jade sleeping?" She asked I looked over at the other bed she was she looked so cute laying with her stuffed animals.

"Yea." I said laying down next to Taylor

She respond with a kiss a very sloppy kiss I pulled away a little but she had this magnetic field on and I swear I was a walking piece of metal around her.

"Shh!" She whispered yelled I wasn't even talking.

"We can go to the other room." I said traveling my hand down her stomach. "Jade will be fine?" She asked concerned.

"We can be quick."

"Hurry up." She said getting off the bed and rushing to the conjoined room.

"This rooms a lot more romantic kloss." She laughed

"Didn't even know they made these kinda rooms." I lied laying her down on the bed. "You need to be quiet." I whispered kissing down her exposed neck she nodded quickly tugging at my shirt. I pulled off my shirt and undid my jeans leaning down to rub against her. "Fuck you're so wet." I mumbled

"I have a secret." She giggled


"I was in the pool and then I was thinking of you...and your arms around me and your kisses fuck Karlie." She whimpered lifting her hips to feel me more. "We're you touching yourself?" I asked her eyes were weak and soft.


"Did it feel good?" I asked she nodded leaning up to kiss me I sucked on her tongue a little and laid her fully down taking off her top and kissing down her chest. "You said we'd be quick!" She whined more

"I got carried away sorry." It was the biggest turn on knowing she loved dirty talk but now wasn't the time for that.

I took off my boxers and her bottom my semi hard on slapped against her soaking wet pussy. "Fuck." She moaned a little I held my cock in my hand pumping up and down to get hard but even just staring at Taylor right now was making me hard she thought she was weak but I was actually she literally owned me.

I covered her mouth with my hand trying my best to muffle her loud moans.

After about 40 minutes of fucking we'd both came a few times Taylor more I kept coming because of how tight she was it was insane but it always made her sore after for a little.

I put my clothes back on and helped Taylor with her bathing suit we walked back into the other room and thankfully Jade was still sound asleep Taylor went to go take a shower and I waited to do the same after her.


"This was such a good night babe." Taylor said kissing me I smiled a little waking down the board walk with her Jade walked a little faster ahead of us.

"I wanna give you something." I smiled


"Taylor I really love you a lot more than you will ever know. I do I really want spend the rest of my life with you Taylor. When I met you I honestly didn't see myself falling in love with you..with the both of you, but I did. I can't say goodbye to you and I can't ever say goodbye to Jade. Even when you're in your grumpy moods and don't wanna hear from me I love you. Even when you're drunk off your ass and I have to carry you to bed I love you. I love you ever second of everyday and I never want to stop. I want to be the only one you come home to or skip work for. I want to be the only one to call you baby and I want to be the only one who can kiss those beautiful red lips. I want to be the only one who takes hours rubbing off red lipstick stains. Taylor I want you so much and I can't see myself with anyone but you. Shit this sounds a lot like I'm proposing." I laughed a little Taylor laughed too I wiped the tear about to fall from her blue eyes and kissed her.

"I love you Taylor."

"God I love you Karlie!" She wrapped her arms around me I smiled Jade looked up at us smiling I picked up Jade and held her. "And I love you Jade. The coolest, sweetest, cutest kid I've met." I smiled she giggled wrapping her arms around my neck and letting her head rest on my shoulder.

"I bought you a ring." I said pulling out the ring and grabbing her hand I slipped it on and wrapped my arm around to hug her. "Happy birthday baby."

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