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"No I understand but why can't Ethan make the meeting?" I asked my voice was raising and it was taking every muscle inside my body to stay seated in this desk and not walk out of this stupid office.

"Karlie...you know you're the only one they'll listen to. We're a joke to them but you aren't they know how much you work and you being there in person will tell them just that."

"I'll be there." I said standing up I left the office without another word walking to mine I collapsed onto the couch Taylor raised an eyebrow sitting next to me. "What's wrong?" She asked running her hand up my leg in a comforting way but it was only making me sexually frustrated.

I stood up practically pushing Taylor off me she fell onto the couch quickly sitting up she was angry now I sighed running my hands through my hair. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you being such a fucking asshole?" She asked standing up I stared at her for a second she was really pretty.

"I have to go to the meeting in San Diego Taylor this weekend." Taylor opened her lips but shut them after and started down at the ground.

"Well that's fine.."

"I don't wanna go I told them that I can't do any more out of town meetings and here I am having to fly to fucking San Diego for a week." God saying it out loud made me even angrier.

"Karlie okay you need to calm down. It's just a week baby." She whispered kissing my cheek softly. "Away from you and Jade alone in San Diego with work and nothing but fucking meetings Taylor." I groaned pulling her with me to my desk she smiled a little sitting on my lap.

"It's going to be fine."

"Cone with me." I said kissing her neck slowly she turned around glaring at me. "Don't start your crazy talk."

"This isn't crazy talk Taylor what they can't not let me take someone?" I said she sighed shaking her head. "Well no because I still have a job to attend and a daughter to care for who cannot be without me for an entire week."

"Then bring Jade! And your job is being my assistant I'm gonna need you..in San Diego." I smiled kissing her before I could deepen the she pulled back thinking for a minute. "Jade still has school."

"Tell them to send work. Please tay I'm being serious about this." I said kissing her again Taylor swallowed noticeably and got up from my lap she glanced outside seeing how dark it was due to the rain.

"Karlie we'll be here waiting for you okay? You have to promise me you won't get drunk and some girl will end up in your bed."

"Oh god no. I promise not." I pulled back back onto me hugging her she smiled hugging me back. "Taylor..I really like you."

"Me too."

"A lot a lot." I said she giggled pulling her head from my neck. "Karlie me too. I don't know if you know but Jade's birthday is next week."

"I am not missing her birthday." I said sternly she sighed nodding. "I don't wanna take her out for a whole week."

"What if you fly out only for a few days then go back?" I asked persistent to get her to go with me. "Okay."



"YES!" I smiled wide she laughed a little while I hugged her kissing her quickly before she got up and walked out of my office to grab some things. I laid back in my chair typing a few more emails while Taylor walked back in she sat down back on my lap.

"What do you think you're doing?" I chuckled a little "I literally have separation anxiety especially when it comes to you so get used to be being wrapped around you."

"I don't mind it's just...distracting." I smirked staring at her boobs then back at her eyes. She didn't say anything she turned in my legs I sighed mentally feeling her rub deeper into me. "Taylor...

"Hmm?" She turned her neck acting as if she wasn't doing anything.

"This is the 3rd pair of pants I'm ruining because of you." I whispered her face turned red and she turned back around but she didn't stop rubbing herself against me. It was hard to work but eventually I finished some things Taylor seriously didn't leave.

"I can't believe Jade's gonna be six!" I smiled

"I know. She's growing too fast and I'm getting old." Taylor whispered I laughed a little. "You're 24 calm down."

"I'm going to be 25 pretty soon."

"And you didn't tell me! Come on first Jade now you I'm gonna spend a lot of money this month Huh?" I smirked she shook her head turning around so she could face me. "Please don't go crazy buying gifts you're gonna make Jade spoiled."

"She deserves it and you..hmm I guess you don't need anything." I smiled she faked hurt a little I laughed picking her up and getting off the chair. "Joking baby."

"Yea your pants are ruined."

"Great." I said trying my best to make it not noticeable Taylor laughed watching me I glared at her slapping her ass she yelled a little slapping my arm away and pulling me out of my office.

Edit: and here's this

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