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3 months later.

"Hey bug how was school?" I asked walking Jade to my car. "It was boring." She huffed crossing her arms I smiled a little helping her in the car. "Did you get in trouble?" I asked leaning down beside her. "No."

Taylor had gotten a call from her teacher it wasn't anything too big but she was angry I didn't want her to go too hard on Jade so I made sure I'd talk to her first. Jade was talking a lot even during times she wasn't supposed to be it must've happened enough times she had to call Taylor.

"Your mom told me Ms.Adams called. You were talking over her all day?" I raised an eyebrow she didn't give in keeping her arms crossed and her eyes on her shoes. "She's lying."

"Mommy's lying?" I asked now taken back by this whole situation. "Yes."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes mommy's lying she lies. Lies lies!" Jade was angry now a tear rolled down her cheek that I quickly wiped off unbuckling her. "Hey baby what's wrong?" I asked trying to calm her down.

"I don't love mommy." She cried I rubbed her back standing in the half empty parking lot with the little girl in my arms. "Hey don't say that." I whispered she continued to cry. "Mommy doesn't love me." She cried. "Jade, she does hey what's going on? Your mommy loves you so much she loves you the most in the world baby."

"Mommy is mean now." I sighed wiping the part of her tears. "Mommy isn't mean now she's just tired because of the baby." Jade didn't say anything after she held my neck tighter. "We have to go home baby."

"I don't like the baby."

So that's what's this is about.

"But you're gonna have a little sister or brother you can share toys and play all the time together."

"Mommy only likes the baby now."

"Mommy loves you Jade I promise she loves you so so much. When we get home we can talk about this okay?" She nodded I smiled a little kissing her cheek before putting her back in her booster seat.

The ride to my apartment was quiet I didn't know Jade was feeling this way. It's causing her to start acting up at school and this is only the beginning we have to put an end to this now.

Jade walked behind me dragging her feet like she dreaded seeing Taylor I frowned a little opening the door for us.


"Don't Taylor." I said she looked at me confused.


"Hey Jade get over her-

"Taylor stop it. Stop getting mad at her she's just a kid she was only talking Taylor."

"What the hell Karlie we agreed you'd talk to her first I have to now." I shook my head. "Jade go to my room." I said she nodded and walked to my room.

"Taylor she's jealous of baby." I said she sighed leaning against the couch. "She stared crying in the parking lot going on about how you don't love her and you're always mad. You're attention is on a baby who's not even born yet."

"I'm a terrible fucking mother.."

"Tay don't say that. You're a good mom you're an amazing mom she's a kid too she doesn't understand that you're always tired and yea baby makes you grumpy a lot more." I laughed a little rubbing her stomach which was still not very noticeable but her little bump was there. "Thank you for stopping me." She whispered laying her head on my shoulder. "Mhm. Let's go talk to her. Love her." I kissed Taylor's lips and walked with her to my room.

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