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"Are you sure Taylor...maybe she means something-

"SHE FUCKING CHEATING!" I yelled crying like a maniac I didn't know what to do where to go the kids..everything Karlie was my everything and she just ruined it all in only days.

"Taylor babe calm down." Lily said holding me I shook my head continuously crying into her shoulder. "So you just left? In the middle of the night book gone! The kids and everything?"

"Yes Lily I just left I can't be with her.."

"But..I thought they were getting a divorce?" Lily asked confused. "I..I did too." I wiped my face trying my best to stop crying. "I'm sorry Taylor.."

"Has she tried and call you?" Lily asked I nodded again. "Okay tay..you need to-

"NO! Lily I'm not ever talking to her again! I fucking hate her! I'm done with her I knew it! When..when she told they were 'meeting' I knew it wasn't to fucking file a divorce!" I yelled Lily stared at me in shock her hand found mine squeezing it gently. "You two have a kid Taylor. Look I'm not siding with any of you because this is the maniac side of you and I don't wanna die but have you ever thought Karlie was just telling Toni what she wanted to hear? To keep her away from you? Tay on the trip when she'd literally hold you in her arms till you stopped crying and slept she'd talk to me after telling me how much she cared about you and the babies safety it's all she wanted-

"I don't wanna hear it right now Lily. It's clear you're siding with her? What is it? You want get in her pants too? Is this your chance? Get her all weak go-

Before I could finish Lily got off the couch shaking her head in disbelief. "Fuck you Taylor. I'm trying to help your fucking dying relationship and this is what I get? You know maybe you shouldn't be together. Fuck you.." she mumbled walking away from me disappearing from the light the lamp gave off.

I knew I shouldn't have done this. I'm drunk it doesn't mean anything.

I'm so fucking dumb!

I wanted to run and apologize but I couldn't stand up I stayed in the couch more tears falling from my eyes I crawled into a ball crying myself to sleep.


3 days later

I didn't bother getting up to get the door knowing if it was anyone important they'd call but instead I heard the door open I immediately jumped up off the couch thinking it was Taylor I was only met with a tall brunette holding a take out bag.


"Hi." She smiled lightly turning her head to her shoes I stared down at my attire blushing of embarrassment. "Sorry wait a second." I mumbled sliding down the hall to my room because of my socks. I was only wearing a sports bra and some boxers I had no reason to dress in anything other than that I haven't left the house in days. I pulled on a white shirt and some jeans fixing my hair a little to look decent. I couldn't help but feel the pang of hurt in my chest seeing Ezra's crib his toys laying around and Taylor's messy clothes on the floor from when she'd left in a hurry I shook off the feeling and ran back to the kitchen.

"Hey." I smiled

"Hey." lily returned the smile and started taking out the food. "Sorry if I came at a bad time I kinda stole the key from Taylor" she shrugged I nodded.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked

"I um..well I wanted to check on you. I know we aren't the closest of friends but you're a good friend Karlie. I'm sorry Taylor's being a total asshole bitch. I'm seriously seeing sides of her I didn't know existed." I stared at her confused as she chuckled a little. Taylor must've done some things to get that to come out of sweetheart Lily.

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