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"No more drinks Taylor." Karlie laughed yanking the glass out of my hand I rolled my eyes falling back onto the bed. Karlie sat down beside me I immediately crawled next to her like a lap cat.

"Stop." Karlie smirked I groaned climbing entirely on top of her. "Mmm nope you're drunk." She said trying to push me off I pushed her on the bed both my legs rested on either side of her. Karlie's hands ran up my arms and to my shoulders smiling. "Karlie please I've literally been waiting for this all week." I begged her.

"That's all I'm good for?" She asked I rolled my eyes. "No and you know that karlieee." I annoyingly got off her she laughed wrapping her arms around me from behind.

"What's wrong?" She asked kissing my shoulder. "Nothing."

"Come on just tell me." She said again.

"What's wrong is that I like you Karlie. We can't ever be together and I really want us to." I mumbled turning around to face her I shoved my head into her neck so she wouldn't see my sad eyes.

"Yes we can. Taylor what's keeping us from being together." She asked talking crazy.

"Just about every fucking thing! My daughter your wife..you know those are huge things Karlie."

"I love Jade you know I'd be the happiest person to be able to care for her and, Toni.. Taylor it's different I haven't been in love with her in years. I try so hard Taylor to tell her she needs to go but she doesn't want to but I'd do it id leave her finally for y-

"Don't say it. You'll make me feel like the biggest bitch in the world." I said she just stopped sighing momentarily before she pushed me so I could face her.

"I'm sorry."

"Now I don't even wanna have sex." I groaned she smiled shaking her head. "Wasn't planing on it anyway your daughter is sleeping in the room next to us."

"It's not like that's stopped you before." I smiled

"True. Tomorrow we'll be alone I'm sure you can wait a few more hours you sex maniac."

"Hey! It's your fault really it'd be a lot easier if you were bad in bed or something." I giggled leaning into her and wrapping the covers over us. "Goodnight tay."

"Goodnight Karlie." I sighed contently and kissed her before shutting my eyes and falling asleep.


"But mommy I want to go with you and karleee!" Jade wrapped her arms tighter around my neck I sighed hugging her more before putting her down on Selena's couch. "Baby we're gonna see you later." I said she pouted crossing her arms karlie watched us amused she sat down on the other side of Jade grabbing her hand.

"Your mommy's right Jade it's just for dinner okay? And tomorrow I promise we can go anywhere you want and I'll buy you anything you want." Karlie said I hated the way Karlie really cared for Jade and how Jade's little eyes lit up when Karlie talked to her. I hated how much I was falling in love with Karlie.

"Fine." Jade gave in I smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek Karlie hugged her and we both made our way to the door Selena followed us with a smug smile.

"You two better be here by 11." She said

"Yes ma'am." I laughed

"Thank you so much for taking care of Jade." I said hugging my best friend. "Any time tay okay you two go have fun." She smiled I blushed Karlie said bye before we left.

"Can we just order take out?" I asked holding onto Karlie's arm as we walked down the street to her car. "It's only 7 Taylor we have plenty of time."

"Ugh. Fine."

"Just like Jade." She laughed kissing my cheek before opening the door for me.



"That place was way too fancy for me." Taylor giggled walking into the apartment I smiled locking the door behind us. I felt her arms wrap around me as soon as I turned around.

"Slow down cowboy." I said lifting her up her legs wrapped around my waist I put her down on the counter kissing her slowly. "Why don't you wanna do this Karlie?" She said crossing her arms.

"What? Of course I do Taylor." I sighed trying to kiss her again but she pushed me back. "We don't have to but you should've told me earlier so I didn't have to make Sel take care of Jade." She said

"No Taylor I want to have sex with you so bad it's concerning how bad I want to." I laughed a little letting my hands rest on her hips. "No you don't and that fine just go I need to get jad-

I let go of Taylor she sat staring at me I quickly undid my belt and pulled down my jeans I started unbuttoning my shirt but I felt Taylor's hands stop mine.

"What are you doing?"

"Fucking you."


I cut her off with my lips throwing my shirt off my arms I pulled her legs to the edge of the counter my erection hitting her core harshly she let out a low whimper.

"Karlie wait!" She yelled pushing me off I sighed stepping back.

"What Taylor? Isn't this what you fucking want! Hurry up get undressed we don't have a lot of time left." I yelled

"Why don't you want this Karlie! Is this about Toni?" She asked I felt my chest tighten at the sound of her name.

"No Taylor it's you it's about you I don't want us to be just hooking up. I'm scared you'll get bored I don't know tired of me..-

"Jesus Karlie seriously? That's what this is all about? And you're have to be insane to think I'd ever get bored of you. I was scared to want more so I just realized it'd be a lot easier to just you know have sex, then you met Jade and she got attached she just showed me how much I was attached." She admitted

"Taylor I actually really want this but I don't want us...to just be this."

"I know and I do too-

"Don't tell me it's wrong. Don't tell me we can't because we can find a way. Tell me we can find a way." I whispered Taylor held me kissing my temple.

"We will find a way."

"I really want to..

"This is rushed too rushed if you don't only want sex and I definitely don't we can wait as much as I wanted you tonight it's already 10:30." She laughed I smiled lifting my head to kiss her again. We kissed for a while enjoying the innocent touch to something much worse.

"Let's go get Jade." I said she nodded getting off the counter.

"I did not plan on helping you put your clothes back on tonight." She joked I laughed under my breath grabbing the keys and walking out with her.


"Is mommy okay?" Jade asked I nodded buckling Jade in. "She's just sleepy."

"Ohhh me too." I smiled

"That makes three of us." I said Jade giggled while I closed the door getting in the front seat. Taylor fell asleep on the way here. I'm glad we talked about feelings we hadn't before. I want there to be an us.

I need to end things with Toni.

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