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"Mom!" I smiled letting my mom engulf me in her arms she smiled pulling back to pick up Jade. "Grammy! I missed you." She smiled hugging my mom and snuggling into her. "I missed you too." She smiled.

"Mom this is Karlie." I said nervously turning to Karlie. "It's so nice to finally meet you Karlie !" She said hugging Karlie while holding small Jade in the other arm. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you Ms. Swift" Karlie smiled.

"Oh please! Call me Andrea and this is Scott Taylor's father." My mom said handing a sleepy Jade back to me I hugged my parents and made small talk before we went to my room to put Jade to sleep.

"She was so tired." Karlie whispered rubbing Jade's head softly. "She was, I'm a little tired too are you?" I asked Karlie hummed a yes. "I can sleep in the guest room-

"Babe you're sleeping with me."

"Tay I don't want your parents to not trust me."

"Baby they trust you and plus you know he only sleeps good when you're hugging me." Karlie smiled kissing my nose before getting off the bed. "Fine wanna go say goodnight?" She asked I nodded kissing Jade's cheek before getting off the bed to.

"Mom?" I called

"Yes honey?" I smiled hugging my mom "It's late and Jade's so tired we're gonna go to bed." I mumbled Karlie nodded standing awkwardly it was kinda cute seeing her so nervous she's never showed this side of her and I think it's adorable.

"Goodnight Ms- Andrea." Karlie smiled hugging her my dad watched us mostly Karlie with amused eyes I smiled hugging him too while Karlie and him exchanged small talk.

After our final good nights I grabbed some water and Karlie and I walked back to my room. "You're so cute nervous." I giggled pulling Karlie on the bed.

"I'm not-

I cut her off with my lips shaking my head. "You're cute now be quiet." She smiled laying down with me wrapping her arms around my stomach saying her little goodnights to Ezra that became a routine. "And goodnight my love I love you." She whispered kissing my cheek

"Goodnight babe. I love you."



"What do you mean what's going on Taylor?" I asked frantically now Taylor held her stomach her eyes squeezed shut. "The contractions they're too close together Karlie I'm going into labor!" She cried

Shit shit shit.

She's 2 weeks early but Amanda told us this could happen.

"Okay I'm gonna get your mom."

"Just hurry up!"

I nodded rushing out of her room.

"Excuse me? A..Andrea? Scott?" I knocked at the door which opened a few seconds after I met eyes with Scott. "It's Taylor I think she's giving birth." I couldn't even believe the words coming out of my mouth.

"ANDREA! It's Taylor she's going into labor!" He yelled they both quickly got up and grabbed their things I held Jade who was still sleeping in my arms holding Taylor in my other we sat in the back seat. "Just breathe." I tried to calm Taylor but I knew I wasn't helping.

Her parents helped her off the car while I cooled down Jade who was not happy about being waken up. I followed them into the room holding onto Taylor's hand on the way.


"He's got your eyes." Taylor spoke I nodded kissing her head. "He's tiny." I whispered smiling a little as Taylor held him he held onto my finger never letting go not even while he slept.

I can't believe any of this was real. Taylor rested her head on my shoulder with little Ezra in her arms this moment felt surreal and perfect.

Andrea and Scott were resistant to go home but gave in taking Jade with them, tomorrow Taylor would be home but we have nothing at her house for baby. She was early and it's my fault for thinking we could travel even if she was due in two weeks. We drove just in case and we'd have to drive back with a new born but for now I didn't want those things in my mind.

"Get some sleep baby." I whispered Taylor nodded Ezra was placed in the crib next to the bed and finally Taylor closed her eyes.


"Jade carful he's only a day old." I cooed she nodded staring down at her little brother. "He's so cute mommy." Taylor smiled "He is isn't he?"

"He's small." She giggled gently placing her finger on his nose watching her tentative ways with him were heartwarming. Then he began to cry Taylor looked up at me I nodded picking up Jade. "Hey I wanna see him!"

"Yea me too but mommy's gonna feed him he's hungry are you hungry little bunny?" I asked tickling her stomach she giggled nodding. "So hungry."

"Let's go get some food and we need to get some more things for mommy go get your shoes." I put Jade down and she ran to get ready I walked to Taylor's side while she continued to breastfeed a very needy little boy. "You okay?" I asked

"My life is filled babe. Thank you for being with Jade I know she's a handful at times." I shook my head kissing Taylor's temple "She's the best, I'm gonna go get some food what are you feeling?" I asked

"A chicken sandwich please." She smiled I nodded pecking her lips before standing up Andrea walked in while I walked out to see her new grandson and I could tell she was just the happiest person alive to be here during these moments with Taylor.

"Okay you let's go get some food and stuff." I said Jade walked with me outside and got in the car. "Karlee?" Jade asked from the back seat "Yea?" I asked.

"Are you my new daddy?" She asked "Your new daddy?" I asked a light laugh in my voice. "Yea well I mean my friends mommy's daddy made her mommy PREGNANT! And mommy loves you and now she has a baby. Can you be my new daddy?" She asked I smiled nervously staring at her through the rear view .

"Well yea but what about your other mommy? You can call me momma?" I said she nodded. "Okay. Is baby going to call you that?" She's asked curiously

"Eventually when he can talk that'll be in awhile." I said parking I helped her off the car. "Well I love you." She smiled

"I love you too Jade." I smiled knowing how vulnerable Jade got at times she just wanted to be loved.

"Don't leave like daddy."

I sighed picking up the little girl. "I'm never leaving."


"I promise." She nodded and kissed my cheek.

Edit: Okah I'm sorryyy this was worse than you probably thought it'd be sorry sorry. I'm not good at writing certain things and a pregnancy hell I can't write that so here's this.

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