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"September 7, 2021 the light of our lives was born." I whispered leaning my head on Karlie's shoulder. Ezra clung to Karlie sleeping in her arms the only way he fell asleep peacefully was in her arms. "Already picking favorites." I mumbled smiling a little Karlie turned to me smiling. "He's just as attached to you." She said

"I guess, it explains why he only let me sleep when you were with me." I smiled cuddling closer to the two Karlie stood up to put him in his crib she walked back to the bed kissing me. "Mmh you drank wine?" She asked I nodded "I've missed it." I wrapped my arms around her she smiled kissing my head. "When's Jade coming home?" I asked Karlie ran her hands through my hair the tv was low lately nights have been hectic it was nice to have a nice quiet one. "They left about an hour ago maybe another hour?" I nodded

Jade went to see a movie with her gramma and grandpa I haven't been spending the most time with her and she was noticing it she understands in some ways why baby needs me but other times she thinks I'm purposely choosing him so they're keeping her distracted along with Karlie but Ezra really needs to be with Karlie at all times. "You're getting it now? How tiring kids are?" I asked laughing a little Karlie shook her head with a smile.

"I guess I am." I pulled her down to kiss her again.

"What about work? Are you sure you can stay for another 2 weeks?" I asked Karlie nodded distracting me with her lips she knew if she didn't I'd start thinking. "Stopp my lipstick is all over you." I giggled trying to wipe it off. "I love when that happens." She whispered kissing me again I smiled pulling her down on me and laying down on her chest. "I love you so much." I sighed realizing how deep I was in love with this girl.

"I love you too." She whispered reaching for my hand and interlocking our fingers. "I've never loved someone the way I love you Taylor." She whispered so soft I could almost not hear she ran her thumb over my knuckles. "You're the only person I never second guessed about spending the rest of my life with." I said kissing her cheek.

Our special moment of secret confessions were ruined by the door swinging open Jade ran inside with ice cream in one hand and a blue blanket in the other. "Hi mommy hi momma." She said out of breath "Grammy helped me buy this for Ezzy." She giggled at the nickname holding up the blanket.

"That's so nice baby." I whispered getting off the bed to hold her up. "Can I give it to him?" She asked I nodded lowering her so she could place the blanket on him. "Thank you baby he's gonna love it." I smiled kissing her cheek. "Ow! Hey you made my cheek red like mommas lips!" She said wiping off the lipstick I smiled my face heating a bit while Karlie also quickly wiped her face. "Okay let's go say hi to Grammy." I said putting Jade down.

Jade walked out of the room on a mission probably to go play outside before the sun set I stayed back waking slowly with Karlie. "Momma huh?" I winked she smiled shrugging. "It was that or daddy."

"Oh god."

"Only you call me that right?" She teased I playfully pushed her shaking my head. "You're gross! Go play with soccer with her." I whispered kissing Karlie one last time. I made sure the baby monitor was on and walked outside sitting down on the lawn chair next to my mom. "Is he asleep?" My mom asked I smiled "When is he not?"

"That's true." She laughed "Mom are you sure we can stay here anoth-

"Tay stop it you know I enjoy your company more than anyone else! I'm happy I'm getting to spend more time with you four." I sighed softly nodding.

"Well thank you for letting us stay I'm just glad Lily got that job at Jade's school now she's sending all her work so she isn't missing out." My mom smiled "That's good."

"Jade come get some water." I called she groaned not wanting to stop playing but I watched as she climbed on Karlie's back and felt a lot happier they walked up the long hill and she put Jade down grabbing a glass of water as well. "You little monkey." I laughed pulling Jade on my lap. "I'm not a money"

"Monkey." She corrected her self giggling and spilling water on me. "Hmm I think you are."

"Can I have more Grammy?" She asked my mom grabbed her glass and walked inside to pour some more Karlie sat down on the grass next to me smiling. "Hi."

"Hi." I smiled rubbing my hands through her hair "Jade's really good at soccer." Karlie said catching her breath. "Is that so?" I asked Jade nodded

"Mommy can you watch a movie with me before I go to sleep?" Jade turned in my arms I smiled "Of course baby."


"And she's out." I whispered Karlie smiled rocking Ezra slowly I watched them snapping a picture and sending it to a group chat I have with a few friends who were all dying to meet little Ezra. "Baby you can sleep I'll stay up with him." Karlie said I shook my head but she started at me again and I was giving in. "Fine but if-

"I'll wake you, babe you're tired come on go sleep for a while." I nodded kissing Ezra and then Karlie "Goodnight I love you. And I love you." I smiled caressing his cheek.

"I love you." Karlie kissed the top of my head and went into the other room while I cuddled up in bed with Jade.

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