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"So we're spending today with the kids right?" I double checked watching Taylor apply her makeup she nodded. "Is that a problem?" She asked I stuffed my hands in my pockets shaking my head. "Nope." I said waiting for her to finish after she was done she left a lingering peck on my lips and walked out of our room. I stayed back confused at our feelings right now.

Taylor was crying again last night Toni wouldn't stop calling and then Jade got sick she's feeling better now but Taylor isn't she keeps blaming herself for the way Toni is acting and no matter how many times I tell her it isn't her fault she denies it.

"How are you feeling bug?" I asked sitting down next to Jade she shrugged holding her stuffed animal closer. "Better?" I asked

"A little my tummy still hurts."

"Do you wanna stay with me here or will you be fine if we go out and have lunch?" I asked "Lunch." She mumbled I smiled "Okay." I kissed her cheek before getting up to help Taylor with Ezras stroller. "Thank you." Taylor said I nodded buckling in Ezra. "Babe.." I said stopping her from leaving she looked up at me waiting for me to go on.

"I thought we agreed to let this be a free week of everything?" I said "That was until she called again Karlie."

"Please Taylor ignore her. Let's focus on us today." I said pressing a kiss to her temple she nodded and started walking out Ezra I walked to get Jade and followed behind them. Lily was still sleeping but she wanted to go to a few bars later maybe try and find someone to spend a day with too.

"Did you guys have fun at the beach yesterday?" I asked Jade nodded. "Wanna go back today?"

"YES!" She yelled happily I smiled "Okay we'll go back today."

Taylor and I found a restaurant rather quickly Jade said down beside me while Taylor held Ezra on her lap we sat outside enjoying the view that seemed to keep Ezra calm.

"What are you hungry for?" I asked Taylor she scanned the menu "Shrimp?"

"That sounds delicious." I smiled "And you? What do monkeys eat?" I teased Jade giggled "We eat candy and soda and chocolate cake." She said proudly

"Not this monkey." Taylor said

"How about chicken tenders?" I asked Jade nodded. "Okay chicken tenders for the long monkey." I said she smiled shaking her head and crossing her arms.


"I'm sorry." Taylor mumbled laying down next to me. "Sorry for?" I asked running my hands through her now lightly curled hair. "Ruining this. I ruined it all-

"Stop it Taylor it's not your fuck- it's not your fault." I said wanting to seriously yell at her thousands of times until it went through her mind. "Can we go to the dinner?" She asked I nodded "Wanna go get dressed?" She shook her head. "Can you.." her face turned a light shade of red and she stuck her head into my neck hiding. "What?" I asked softly

"T..Karlie I don't wanna say it." She said her voice muffled from being in my shoulder. I slid my hand under her shirt knowing what she wanted. "Is the door locked?" I asked she nodded I unbuttoned her shorts and slid my hand inside feeling how wet she was. "Jesus Taylor you really wanted this."

"I know, hurry Karlie." She whined.

I easily slid two fingers inside her feeling her hips pushed forward digging herself deeper inside my fingers. "Fuck." She moaned "Shit ow." I mumbled feeling her teeth digging into my shoulder blade. She giggled a little pushing my hand deeper with her own. She wasn't gonna last much longer she must've been needing me for a while. I added another feeling and rubbed her clit with my thumb her body was pressed so close against me it was almost impossible to keep moving my fingers but I did faster and harder. She kept cursing under her breath and her lips sucked on my neck keeping her from yelling louder.

After she came I pulled my fingers out sucking each one she watched with red rosy cheeks shaking her head a little. "I hate it when you do that."

"Hate it? I think you love it." I smirked "Mhm maybe we should cancel dinner?" She hummed I kissed her cheek getting up. "And stay with the kids?" I asked she nodded. "Go to the beach with us. I know you couldn't earlier because of work calls but now you can right?"

"Yea." I walked back to her side kissing her again before we both got up and walked out of the room.

I saw Lily's eyeing the both of us I smiled nervously watching her smirk. "Hmm enjoy your nap?" She asked Taylor blushed rolling her eyes. "Very much." Taylor smiled. I walked to the crib to get Ezra who was also just waking up. "Hey." I smiled down at Ezra he laughed a little reaching back in his crib I grabbed his blanket for him and walked back with Taylor and Jade.

"Have fun tonight Lily." Taylor said giving her a hug "But don't bring anyone home." I added she laughed waving us off before leaving Jade and Taylor changed into matching sundresses they looked adorable I smiled at Taylor kissing her cheek.

"Can I bring a swimsuit?" Jade asked I nodded she quickly ran to grab hers and ran back Taylor was already wearing one under her dress. I grabbed some toys for them and then we walked out the beach house had beaches only walking distances Taylor stopped to get a drink Jade got some chicken nuggets and then we made it to the beach.

"Mamaaa." Ezra crawled to Taylor she picked him up from the sand and moved closer to me. "This is nice." I sighed kissing the top of her head. "Mhm."

"I'm gonna join Jade in the water." She said I nodded staying back with Ezra I tried to keep my eyes away as Taylor peeled off her dress running in the water in a small bikini. "Hey baby." I kissed Ezra's cheek surrounding his legs in sand. "Mama!" He cried

"Shh don't cry." I said standing up I wiped off the sand from us and walked slowly with Ezra dipping his feet in the water which he didn't enjoy but climbed on Taylor. "Get in the water!!" Taylor said pulling at my jeans I smiled "I have to watch this kid."

"Fine Jade wanna build a sand castle with me?" Taylor asked she nodded filled with excitement I smiled they ran off and Ezra and I followed behind.

"Our sand castle is better." I said smiling at the castle I built and Ezra helped destroy mostly Taylor scoffed shaking her head. "Ours is amazing!"

"Momma wins." Jade giggled

"Ugh! You guys are mean." Taylor smiled the rest of the night was spent building more castles and watching Taylor and Jade running in the water.



"Jade is down." Karlie chuckled sitting down next to me. "In our bed?" I asked she nodded "There's other rooms tay." She said

"I know I was just wondering. I didn't want to have sex Karlie." I rolled my eyes she shrugged "Sure."

I turned down the tv a bit grabbing my phone. "She's calling again." I sighed "Ignore it."

"Is that who you went to talk to? When you cousins go to the beach with us earlier? And don't lie-

"Yes, I answered her to try and beg her to leave you alone. I hate seeing you like this Taylor it's terrible and it's not even slightly your fault. She's jealous mostly we had a kid." She said I nodded

"I'm done crying over that. It isn't my fault."

"That's right babe!" Karlie smiled I laughed a little kissing her cheek. "If you're tired you can sleep I'll wait up for Lily." She said "Can I lay with you?" I asked she nodded. We got comfortable on the couch and Karlie pulled a blanket over us I felt my eyelids growing heavier by the second until they finally shut. My mind was still running but Karlie rubbing her finger up and down my arm in a soothing way helped my mind also shut off.


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