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"So you actually fucking told the girl you're hooking up with! You're stupider than I thought kloss." Cara laughed laying back on the couch.

"She's not some girl I'm hooking up with alright. We've been together 6 months now."

"She's been working for you for 6 months you loved her about 2 months ago." She said taking another hit from her cigarette.

"I've loved her a lot longer than that."

"She's hot."

"I'm joking! Don't beat me up." Cara yelled laughing I shook my head throwing a pillow at her. "I think she wants a kid." I sighed sitting down next to Cara. "A kid?" She asked wide eyed.

"Yes and I do too a lot but a kid in my life it's hard you know?" I said she nodded. "You should though Karlie I mean since we met it's all you've talked about having a family. I've only met her once and she seems like a perfect girl to have a family with."

"She is."

"You tell your girlfriend you're actually a fucking drug dealer and now she wants a kid. Find me a girl like that." Cara laughed "Yea yea I'm gonna go, tell Jackson I'm not going to New Mexico no fucking way."

"He's not gonna be happy to hear that."

"Too bad." With that I left the old house Taylor avoided talking about this and I don't blame her. I'd leave for work and during that hour we spoke no words to each other. I could only tolerate living like this for now.


"Fuck you feel so good." Taylor yelled I held her in my arms smiling at her. "Fuck. How do you do that?" She asked falling down onto me.

"Do what?" I asked kissing her again. "Make me fee so good."

"It's the way you do." She smiled a little sitting up next to me I pushed back her bangs a little rubbing my thumb over her blossom pink cheeks.

"Karlie. I want this I know it's been on your mind and mine too non stop all week baby I do I want this." She whispered "Me too oh god me too Taylor." I leaned down catching her lips in mine.

"Well good because I'm three weeks."

"WHAT? Taylor what the hell oh my god yes baby." I whispered pulled her up she giggled wrapping her arms around me. "I found out today."

"You don't understand how much better those words made my day my year my oh god my life." I said it was all so true. Taylor swift the mother of my daughter I couldn't believe I'd be able to say those words a year from now.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered peppering kisses down my neck. "Here." I slid her dress back on she smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Do you want me to pick up Jade?" I asked pulling my jeans back on she watched with her sexy lip bite nodding. "Don't make me take that dress back off." I wrapped my arm around her.

"I can't believe it."

"Doesn't feel real does it?" I shook my head "No." Taylor laid on the couch still I got up getting some water. I walked back to the couch and laid down lifting up Taylor's dress to see her stomach.

"Babe I'm not going to start showing until about 8 more weeks." She laughed "I know but there's a baby inside there, my baby." I smiled rubbing her still flat stomach she nodded running her hands through my hair while I gently laid on her.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked she shook her head. "I'm gonna tell my mom tomorrow and maybe we can stop by Sels to tell her." I nodded kissing her one last time before helping her back up.

We both got in the car to pick up Jade.


"So there's a baby inside you!" Jade asked staring at Taylor cluelessly. "Yes baby, I'm pregnant." Taylor laughed. "Is it a boy? I hope it's a girl." Jade said staring with her big blue eyes at her mom.

"We don't know yet. I hope it's a boy." Taylor winked "Me too." I smiled

"No! I want a sister." Jade said I chuckled a little picking her up. "Here we're gonna surprise auntie Sel." I smiled pulling a shirt over her other one. The shirt read "I'm going to be a sister."

Jade held onto my hand while Taylor stood in front of her ringing the bell. I looked down at Jade smiling she giggled a little smiling back and squeezed three of my fingers tighter. "OH MY GOD LILY!" Taylor yelled scaring Jade and I Taylor jumped into the girls arms I picked up Jade making sure you couldn't read the shirt yet. "TAYLOR!" The brunette yelled back. "It's been way too long oh my gosh I miss your hugs." The girl smiled. "Sorry oh this is Karlie." Taylor smiled I waved hugging the girl.

"The Karlie?" She winked Taylor blushed a little nodding. "It's good to finally meet you I'm Lily."

"You too I'm Karlie." I said as if she didn't already know. I didn't know most of Taylor's friends beside Selena and Martha but her and Lily seemed to be very close.

"Oh my goodness Jade is growing so fast she's so beautiful." Lily smiled kissing her cheek Jade did her famous giggle and kept her bright smile. "Is Sel here?" Taylor asked.

"Yea she's just on the phone..with him."

"Oh not again. Abel?"

"Yea I told her not to pick up but you know how she gets."

"Is this a bad time?" I whispered once Lily walked to go get Sel. "No it's fine." She said I nodded walking with her we sat down in the living room.

Jade kept busy on my lap playing with my watch. "So does Lily live around?" I asked "She's been telling me about moving here for a while now I guess she finally did-

"Okay we're back." Lily said interrupting us.

"What's going on?" Selena raised an eyebrow sitting down with Lily on the opposite couch. "Well Karlie and I wanted to tell you something." Taylor smiled

"Okay?" Lily smirked

"Come here baby." Taylor said grabbing Jade from me.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Selena yelled jumping up I smiled watching them all freak out. "You're pregnant."

"I am!"

"I'm so happy oh my god." Lily yelled I smiled standing up to hug them too. "I'm so happy for you two."

"Thank you."

"Well it's just perfect I'm moving here I can't wait to babysit this little one." Lily leaned down rubbing Taylor's stomach she smiled nodding. "You're gonna be a big sister Jade." She whispered hugging her.

"I know!"

"I'm so happy for you two." Selena hugged us both. "I think you two should stay over for a little celebration dinner." Selena offered.

"That sounds amazing." We both agreed the girls walked into the kitchen leaving me and Taylor alone for a minute.

"I love you." I whispered kissing Taylor she kissed back. "I love you Karlie. I can't wait to have a family with you." "Me either." I kissed her back feeling myself getting carried away in her lips. Lily faked a cough bringing us out of our daydream. "Sorry." I smiled

"It's fine but stop being so coupley it reminds me how single I am ." She laughed Taylor laughed with her walking with her friends. I stayed back with Jade she had endless questions about the new baby.

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