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: *・゚:*:・゚* 01: Hatred

"You guys are so childish, do you even remember why you hate each other?"

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"You guys are so childish, do you
even remember why you hate each other?"

: *・゚: *:・゚*:・゚

~The day was over. Y/N sighed in relief. She didn't necessarily hate school, it just tired her out and began to hurt her brain to a point. The girl quickly packed her things before getting up and walking out of her class to find Daichi waiting for her,

"You didn't fall asleep today did you?" He asked, looking at her tired face.

"Of course not, I'm passing all my classes for a reason, you ass!" She replied, playfully shoving him.

They both walked to where the clubroom was so Daichi could get ready for volleyball. The girl helped Kiyoko, her best friend, manage the volleyball team since she didn't have anything better to do and figured Kiyoko doing everything herself would be pretty stressful. Besides, the team had really grew on her. She went into the girls changing room and found Kiyoko already getting dressed.

"Finally. you took forever." She said once Y/N walked in,

"Sorry, I packed my stuff a little slower than usual. I'm so tired." She replied yawning. This caused Kiyoko to laugh,

"Just go home, i'll cover for you." The gorgeous third year replied, giving her a soft smile.

Y/N shook her head, "No, no. I'm okay, I think I just need to hear Hinata and Kageyama yell at each other so I can fully wake up."

She stepped in the gym and was automatically right. Once she heard the two first years yelling, it woke her right up. She thought it was funny watching her favorite first year constantly "argue" with the darker haired boy over nonsense. Well at least, she thought it was nonsense since they cared about volleyball more than she did.

"Hinata, Kageyamas too stupid to understand your words! Speak slower!" Y/N said, getting their attention.

"Y/N-san!" Hinata yelled while running towards his favorite third year and giving her a hug.

After talking with the tiny ball of energy, a certain third year came up behind the two,

"L/N, shouldn't you have stopped acting like such a child by now? You're graduating this year and yet you still act like a first year. Heck, you even look like one" A voice said.

That voice. The one that irritated her to hear. So cheerful. So annoying. She turned around and automatically glared at the silver haired boy.

"How I act is none of your concern Sugawara. And besides, you act more like a child than I do so I would watch your words." She replied as she flipped her (H/C) hair behind her shoulder.

Sugawara only smiled at her and walked away. That was his game. He loved pissing her off and smiling afterwards as if he meant everything as a joke. He knew it irritated her, yet he continued with it anyway.

'What a moron' She thought.

Of course everyone knew about their hatred towards each other. It's not like either of them tried hiding it. Sometimes, Tsukishima made "jokes" about how Y/N should "quit" as a manager but deep down everyone knew he was actually quite fond of her. Then, Daichi came up next to her,

"You guys are so childish. Do you even remember why you hate each other?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Of course I don't! I've hated him since we were kids. Cant remember the reason, all I know is that he pisses me off. If I knew he was coming to Karasuno, I would've gone to Aoba Joshai with Tooru." She frowned. Daichi laughed and ruffled her hair,

"Well, after this year, you won't have to worry about Suga anymore. You will be rid of him forever. Unless you end up dating and getting married." He joked.

She gave him a disgusted look as he walked away.

"I agree with him," Kiyoko said once Y/N sat down with her.


"Despite how much you hate each other, I have a feeling you might end up dating." She giggled.

" HUH?! Are you insane?! Why would you even think that?!" The girl whined.

"Have you not seen movies? Or I don't know, maybe it's just sexual tension." Kiyoko shrugged,

"Im gonna pretend I didn't just hear that come out of your pretty mouth so I can still be in love with you. Jesus fuck." She said while walking away from her.

Practice went on and she took notes, gave them water bottles and gave advice in anyway she could. Sometimes Sugawara would try annoying her but she only ignored him and walked away. After practice, Daichi and Sugawara had offered to walk the girl home. Of course, Daichi didn't give her or Sugawara a choice.

"I have to turn this way, see you guys tomorrow." Daichi waved and walked the other direction.

Sugawara looked down at her and smirked

"Fuck me..." She mumbled while looking at the ground as they both continued walking,

"I'll have to decline right now, but maybe one day you'll get lucky!" He smiled.

"I didnt mean it literally you jackass! Why am I even still walking with you? Fuck this." She turned and started walking another direction towards her home.

"See you tomorrow L/N!" Suga yelled.

"God help me please" She sighed

Im currently doing some heavy editing so don't mind me or this story

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Im currently doing some heavy editing so don't mind me or this story. I'll update it when i'm done😮‍💨

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