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: *・゚:*:・゚* 12: Marks

"And well, everyone always goes back to their first love, don't they?"

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"And well, everyone always goes back to their first love, don't they?"

—: *・゚:*:・゚*:・゚

~Before Y/N got ready for school, she covered up the still showing love bites Sugawara had giving her 2 nights ago. She hoped they would've started fading by now but they didn't.

Throughout the school day she was walking rather slow. Her legs had still been sore and hurting.

Kiyoko asked what the matter was but the girl only lied and said she worked out more than usual.

Daichi decided to make fun of her when she said the same lie and said that he would never picture her going to the gym and he was right, she'd never been to the gym. Only once with Kiyoko and that's why she believed her lie because she had said she would be going more often.

While all the boys were in the clubroom getting ready for their practice, Sugawara was feeling rather good. He had a smile the whole time, lightly humming to himself. Once he took his shirt off, Kageyama looked noticed something on his upperclassman's back.

"Sugawara-san, are you okay?" He asked with concern. Sugawara only looked at the boy with a confused face, "You have marks on your back" Kageyama elaborated on what he asked.

The entire team gathered around the silver haired setter, wondering what Kageyama was talking about. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi started laughing in the corner, Hinatas face turned pale, Daichi sighed, Ennoshita tried not to laugh and Tanaka and Nishinoya started yelling and slapped Sugawara's shoulders.

"Alright Suga! So who's the lucky lady this time!?" The two second years asked in unison.

Kageyama then understood the situation and his face went red as well as Sugawara.

How was he supposed to get out of this one?

What perfect lie could he come up with to get them to leave him alone?

He sighed, "I cant tell you who it is. She wants it to be a secret but please, don't say anything about a secret girl until I get the okay from her." He begged his friends.

They nodded their heads but yet, still confused. Why would anyone want to keep a relationship with Sugawara a secret? His friends knew well enough that Sugawara was the example of a perfect boyfriend. Although they had many questions, they decided to leave it at that.

They all finished dressing and practice started. However, Nishinoya had his eyes stuck on their second manager.

He had been growing rather suspicious of the relationship she and Sugawara had. One day she hated him and the next, they're "best friends". It made no sense to him. Not to mention the information she wanted on Chiyo the second she saw her with him. He began to wonder if she was the secret girl Sugawara had been seeing. He made a note to talk to her about it later.

"Y/N look out!" She automatically crouched down and the ball flew over her head and went outside. She looked at Hinata who was nervously laughing and scratching the back of his head.

"Sugawara watch where you set!" She yelled at him and his mouth dropped,

"Why're you blaming me! Hinata was the one who spiked it!" He defended himself.

She sighed and went to get the ball. She pointed her finger up the small hill and trailed it back down to see where it could have landed. She then found it on the corner of the gym so she went to grab it.

She bent over to grab it but before her hand touched the ball, another hand grabbed it and picked it up. She lifted her head up to see Chiyo smiling down at her, with the ball in her hand. Y/N straightened herself.

"Um, Can I have that please?" She asked as nicely as she could without sounded irritated.

Chiyo brightly beamed at her, "Of course! But I have to say, Sugawara is really good in bed isn't he?" She smirked while the girl frowned.

"What are you talking about?" Chiyo could now hear the annoyance in her voice.

"Who do you think you're fooling with those covered up hickies ? I would've thought he told you about us anyway. He was so in love with me" She said rather offended.

"It doesn't matter. Sugawara is my boyf-"

"No he isn't" She cut her off, "I asked Daichi the other day if Suga was seeing anyone. He laughed and said Sugas been rejecting girls left and right so the chances of him having a girlfriend wasn't likely." She spun the ball on her finger.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Y/N started to feel like punching her.

"I did but I broke up with him. Seeing you with Suga made me realize I still love him and I want him back even if we never really dated." She handed her the ball rather harshly.

"What makes you think he wants you?" She scoffed at her. A small sigh escaped Chiyo's lips,

"Suga was basically begging for me back 2 months ago. I'm sure if I come back saying I made a mistake he'll gladly take me."

She began to walk past her before she stopped and turned her head, "And well, everyone always goes back to their first love, don't they?" She smirked before walking away.

The (H/C) haired girl just stood there with the ball in her hands. Nishinoya said she was in love with him, not the other way around. Is this why Sugawara never gave them the full story?

Y/N was certain she didn't have any romantic feelings towards the silver haired boy, so why did Chiyo's words irritate her so much?

"Y/N," She looked at the door and saw Hinata peeking his head, "Can we have that ball please?"

She only nodded and tossed it to him. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would snap at her favorite first year.

Hinata stared at her for a second. He could tell something was wrong but before he got the chance to ask, his setter had already called him back.

She took a few deep breathes before walking back into the gym. She looked at Sugawara who was already looking at her. He quickly flashed a smile and held up a peace sign. She softly laughed and returned a piece sign before his attention went back to Hinata.

She went and sat next to Kiyoko and tried to think about good things to calm you down.

'Calm down. Only a few more days and you get to see Akaashi and Bokuto again' She thought to herself.

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