Chapter Seven

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—First Person POV.—

I knocked on the all too familiar office door, an annoyed "Come in." Calling from the other end "I'm back, Lord Todoroki." I greeted, walking in and closing the door behind me.

He looked up from some paper work on his desk "What did you and that punk speak of?" He questioned and I shrugged "Nothing too exciting, but she did do this one cool thing before we even started." I informed.

He raised an eyebrow at me, alerting me he was listening and waiting for me to continue "Yeah, her hair started glowing and stuff and then it moved by itself and poked my forehead—" "What?!" He cut me off.

The sudden shout caused me to jolt in surprise "How dare she. Come here." I listened, quickly making my way around his desk and stopping to stand by him.

He bit into his thumb, causing a little bit of his blood to spill as he reached out and tapped my forehead, unlike hers, this one felt both cold.

It was odd and hard to explain.

Once he was finished, he licked his thumb "Now go wash that off." He commanded while I nodded, leaving the room and washing the blood off. I could hear him sigh as I walked back in.

I paused, the door behind me closing with a click as I followed his gaze "Why are you staring at me like that?" I deadpanned and he blinked, ignoring my question by answering with a short "Come here." Once again, I trotted up to his desk.

I watched as he opened one of his drawers, his hand reached in and pulled out a book, handing it to me.

'The End.' It read, my face scrunching up in confusion as I stared at the cover "What's this?" I questioned "It's a banned book." He answered nonchalantly before continuing "If caught, an entire household will be burned at the stake and have their entire estate stripped from them. I want you to read it."

"Hold on to this book and—" "Why would you give this thing to me then???" I hurriedly asked, internally freaking out.

He shrugged "It's about Enders. That's why I told you to read it, you don't have to if you don't want to."

"But what if I—" I paused, staring down at the book for a little bit before he turned away "Do as you wish. It's not my book anyways."

I placed it on a nearby shelf until I was dismissed later on. Grabbing the book on my way out, I headed straight to my room to do something about it.

And by something, I was gonna read it.

'Well I would read it as long as I'm sure I'm alone.' I sweat dropped, opening the door and scanning my entire room before scurrying inside and slamming the door shut behind me.

As I locked the door my eyes scanned over the cover of the book and once I was at my bedside, I flipped it open.

The first few words weren't much, mainly just a table of continents but the author was blank. It was weird to say the least but I nonetheless flipped to the first page.

'An Ender can be easily defined by their eyes—' I skipped that page.

The title of the next page was 'Telling the difference between an Ender and an Enderman.' Though it seemed interesting, I skipped that one too.

The next few pages showcased the title 'Abilities.' I paused, my eyes scanning over a few of the words below. I got to the next page labeled 'Matin-' I slammed the book shut.

"That's enough for today." I said to myself, staring down at the book in my hands, a knock reverted off of the door causing me to jolt and toss the book under my sheets.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now