Chapter Nine

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—First Person POV.—

I sat in a carriage, the inside was completely different from the ones I'm used too. I had been staring out the window most of the time, questioning what time it was and how long I had been gone.

The two guards that where sitting across from me hadn't said a word either, watching as I finished off the last cookie in the bag "How's your arm?" I questioned mockingly, pointing towards the bloody mess on the guard to the rights forearm.

His eyes flickered to me, a glare crossing his features but he clenched his jaw, obviously biting back the want to yell at me and stayed silent 'Yeah, I'll beat you with this empty cookie bag.' I chuckled.

After a second, I went silent again, my eyes trailing to the passing trees outside the window.


His smile widened, my internal insults coming to a slowed stop "Well? What do you say?"

Contemplating on the offer, I watched his smile never falter as I started to glare at him "Why are you glaring at me again?" He asked and I sighed, my glaring coming to a stop as I sat back "I was hoping you'd magically disappear.." I mumbled.

"I have no desire to be his partner." I stated before standing up, walking over to the guy who still held my bag of cookie "I value my life over anything else."

He nodded "You value your life.. Then what if we made a transaction right here and now for your life?" I snatched the bag from his grasp "Then I'll beat you with this bag of cookies." I deadpanned.

He nodded before gesturing towards the now open door " Noted, Thank you for agreeing to see me. Let me know if you ever change your mind."

"You'll know, whom to tell." I nodded, walking out the door "Yes, your majesty." I mocked "Bye."

It seemed like a cool exit until I accidentally stepped in a puddle of mud-

End Of Flashback.—

The carriage came to a stop, the driver calling out a "We're here." While the door opened, I stood up, stepping out of the carriage and on to the dirt path.

I glanced back at the carriage behind me before grabbing the handle to the heavy door and pulling it open.

Momo had been walking past and paused, her eyes looking over to me "Why do you look..." She trailed off before starting again "Go and change first, and fix your hair." She commanded.

I probably looked like a mess, if I had known I would be tossed around and would be stabbing people with forks earlier, I would've just stayed inside.

My wrist still hurt from when that guard grabbed me a few seconds before I stabbed him, I sighed "I'd like to go see the Duke first, I'm worried that he may have the wrong idea." I stated, passing by the dark haired female and walking up the stairs.

She nodded "He's in his room.." She informed, watching as I made it up the staircase and disappeared into the hall.

I got to his door and knocked "Lord Todoroki, It's (Y/n)—" Before I even knew what happened, the door slammed open.

I sweat dropped "Uh- Sorry I was late this morning.." My words came to a slowed halt "I mean, I think I was kidnapped?" I stammered, slowly coming to terms with what had just happened.

I held his forearms, the two of us sinking to the floor, or more like I just dragged him down with me, the weight of all of this slowly taking its toll as I thought about it more.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now