Chapter Thirteen

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—First Person POV.—

I shivered, my back pressing up against the outdoor wall as I brought my knees to my chest 'Is this was the he meant..?' I questioned, hugging my knees in an attempt to keep warm.

'"But you will regret this."'

'This time, I'm gonna tell.. As soon as I get out..' I promised myself, leaning my head on my knees. My eyes started to close when the door suddenly opened, a light blinding me as I looked up.

I jumped up "RENEE!!" I beamed, getting light headed and nearly falling over from standing up too fast. She let go of the door and caught me with her free hand, using her foot to keep the door open "You and she are both so pathetic." She deadpanned.

"Hold—What are you—" She questioned while I hugged her "Thank you so much! I thought I'd have to stay out here all night!" She pushed my head away, making me stop hugging her "Let's go."

She closed the door, the both of us now walking through the dark halls of the manor "Let me make this clear. I have zero desire to become friends with you. It'll only bring me grief if I'm associated with you." I tilted my head towards her words "Then why did you come and help me?"

She didn't bother looking back as she replied "Because it's my job." "Eh?" "Looking after you." She turned to look at me as she said that.

"..Do you work for Lady Momo?"

She didn't answer, instead she seemed to ignore me, choosing to fixate her eyes ahead "Lady Momo knows what happened today, doesn't she? Was the Duke notified?" I questioned, as she came to a stop at my room and made me step inside.

"What's it to you?" She retorted, shutting my door in my face before I could say or ask anything else.

'How many spies are in this house..?'

I let out a cough while plopping down onto my bed 'Ugh.. Whatever, I'm going to sleep..'

—Third Person POV.—

Lady Momo got on her knees, her eyes focused on the floor as she bowed down to Lord Todoroki "(Y/n) was locked in the bathing area, so we got her out." Hearing this, Todoroki sat up from his comfortable reading position on his bed.

"Locked in? Did the lock break?" He questioned, placing his book down. Momo shook her head "I lectured them about what happened this morning.. And a bitter Maid locked her in."

"I don't understand." Todoroki spoke, standing up from his bed "I'm sorry, Lord Todoroki.."

He stepped towards Momo "Lift your head." She obliged, lifting her once bowed head, her onyx eyes looking up at the male "Where is she now?"

"She returned to her room." She answered, her head turning as he passed her and headed to the door.

When he opened the door to (Y/n)'s room, he found her sitting on the floor, her back was pressed up against her bed with one of the flowers pots in her hands.

Her eyes lazily glanced towards the door, mumbling an almost inaudible "Who is it..?"

He stayed silent, watching as her eyes widened slightly "Lord... Todoroki..?" She breathlessly questioned, almost instantly regretting the words as she turned back to the pot and started puking.

"Are you dying?" He stepped into the room "Like this? This soon?" He inquired, walking over to her.
She shook her head "One could dream." She chuckled, pushing herself up "I'll be fine after a good nights rest.."

"Don't be too surprised." Todoroki warned, the sick girl panicking as he lifted her up.

"Todoroki!" She managed to sputter out, the male shifting so he held her bridal style "If you sleep here, you'll only get worse." Todoroki turned, the girl in his arms kicking her legs in an attempt to make him drop her as he left the room.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now