Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Goodnight (Y/n)."

He closed the door, leaving me outside with an odd feeling in my chest "Goodnight.." I mumbled, turning and heading to my room.

But as I reached for the handle on my door, I paused, my eyes glancing back to his closed door for a moment.

The glint from the moonlight seemed to ignore the door, leaving a shadow over the already dark wood.

It seemed so ominous now.

The vampire was a strange man, the sadness in his face as he spoke to me made my stomach stir. I could just go to sleep and forget about our interaction but..

My eyes glanced out one of the large windows nearby, gazing at the star filled sky above. An idea popped into my head, my being not even noticing the particles fluttering out as I blinked and a smile covered my lips.

I entered my room and checked my desk, easily finding a quill, some paper and ink. I placed the paper down before dipping the feather into the ink, quickly getting to work.

I pressed the tip of the quill into the paper, creating blank lines across it and forming the face of an all too familiar vampire I know.

It took me a few minutes but I finished the drawing. My only light had been from the moon so to say it was sloppy would be an minor exaggeration.

It was terrible.

But hey, it was the best I'm getting for now.

So I headed to the kitchen, picking out one of the wax strips and heating it up over the ever burning oven fire before running to my room and placing it onto the back of the now dry drawing.

I pressed a finger to the sticky wax strip, checking it before quietly heading over to Todoroki's room again.

Just like before, I pushed the door open without knocking, my head peeking in and seeing the vampire's sleeping form on his bed. The blankets covered him but I could still see them move with every breath he took.

I quietly stepped into the room, making my way over to the mirror and reaching up, pressing the wax onto the reflective area before turning and bolting out of the room.

'He's going to kill me tomorrow.' I internally chuckled at the thought, closing the door to his room and heading to bed.

—Time Skip.—

—Third Person POV.—

'What.' Todoroki deadpanned towards the horrible drawing.

Somehow she had managed to line up the face to his head when he stood towards the mirror but— He wasn't expecting to wake up to this.

Saying the drawing was horrible was a compliment at this point. But even though it was a crude mess.. Something in his heart turned.

He sighed, the temperature in the room heating up as his face flushed with color.

"Todoroki?" This time, she knocked on the door before pushing it open.

His eyes flickered to the mirror, now staring at the girl who opened the door.

(Y/n) walked in, unable to see he was staring straight at her because of his inability to have a reflection.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now