Chapter Twenty-One

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—Third Person POV.—

"Congratulations on your medal, Todoroki!" The (h/c) haired girl continued to cheer, happily throwing more confetti around him.

Once she had run out of confetti he moved his hand behind his back, hiding the medal from her sight "You don't need to do these things anymore."


The vampire turned his head away, his mismatched eyes now glaring off "Patronizing me just to gain my favor."

"Oh.." (Y/n) deflated "Was it cheesy..? Or maybe it was lame.." Her eyes casted downwards.

"Don't misinterpret what I said. I meant you don't have to force yourself to do things you don't want anymore." He glanced towards her as he spoke.

"I.. I did it because I wanted to.." She breathed, her expression falling 'What? She did it because she wanted to? Greeting me warmly?? Doesn't she hate me..?' These thought plagued his mind as the room became silent.

(Y/n) lifted her head "I wanted to shower you with confetti. You received medal. I just wanted to celebrate.."

"I just.." She avoided eye contact, walking forward and maneuvering around his form, the long cape draping behind her "Never mind, sorry for bothering you."

His eyes finally caught on to what she was wearing, the large white cape glinting in the light of the hallway as she passed the door.

"..You're wearing the cape."

His voice caused (Y/n) to pause "Yeah, I wanted to put it on and thank you for the gift." She deadpanned "If I knew you had prepared all of this, I wouldn't have gone with Jirou." She held the basket in her hands, still looking down in sadness.

"Light the candles and wait here." He commanded, brushing past her and walking into the hallway "I want to hear about your day." Her eyes flickered up to catch his smile, a dark blush spreading across her cheeks as she nodded.

Once he had left, she lit the candles in his room and started picking up the confetti littered across the floorboards.

'Why did he react like that?' She questioned, dropping each small paper back into the basket it came from.

'I want to drop kick that rude vampire into the sun—" The door opened again "What are you doing?" Said vampire deadpanned towards her.

"Nothing, you petty vampire." She muttered as he walked past— Now in his normal attire.— He ignored her name calling and sat down in a chair "Sit there." He pointed towards the chair across from his, the (h/c) haired girl obliging and sitting down.

"Okay, now tell me." Todoroki still held his smile as he rested his chin on his hand.

That was when (Y/n) started telling him about her day, her own smile spreading across her face as she went into more detail about everything she got to see.

"Did you have fun?" "Yes! It was so amazing! Thanks for letting me go out today." Her eyes had lit up in excitement, happily clapping her hands together.

The room then fell into a short silence 'I don't know what else to sayShould I say Goodnight and leave?' Her eyes briefly glanced towards the door before Todoroki moved, capturing her attention once more.

"I'm glad you had fun today, but I can't say you fully enjoyed the New Year Festival." He stated, causing her to tilt her head in curiosity.

"There is something you must do during the New Year Festival." "Oh!" She reached into her basket and pulled out the lantern.

"Is it this?" She questioned, holding the lantern up for him to see. He leaned forward a bit before she threw the lantern at him.

Apparently she threw it too hard and it hit him right in the forehead, before it tumbled to the floor, now partially bent.

(Y/n) sweat-dropped and in the heat of the moment, the words 'Are you okay' and 'I didn't mean to throw the lantern' got mixed up in her head and she ended up worriedly asking.

"Is the lantern okay?"

The air went silent again before (Y/n) started to laugh and Todoroki let out a small chuckle, standing from his seat.

He glanced down at the lantern before walking to a nearby door "That lantern is not okay, but this one is." He pulled out a white lantern with light grey flowers engraved into the paper.

"As I said before, this is something you must do during the New Year Festival."

"But I was.. Always alone, so I could never do it" He continued while (Y/n) stood from her seat, walking over to the vampire "Sounds like you didn't do it either, so let's do it together." He suggested, the smile on her face growing slightly as she nodded "Alright!"

He went silent before (Y/n) grabbed his wrist and ran out of the room.

He tripped a bit before gaining his footing and following her "Where are you—" "A balcony! Let's get to a room with a..." She turned, pushing a door open and pointing towards the curtain covered doors "Balcony!"

She let go of his hand and trotted up to the glass doors, happily pushing them open.

Todoroki walked up behind her, joining the (h/c) haired girl on the balcony. Many lanterns where already floating high in the sky as he held theirs up for her.

After a second, she facepalmed "We don't have anything to light it with." She laughed.

"Here I'll go find one right now-" Todoroki shook his head, bringing his hand forward and flicking his pointer finger out.

A small flame danced from his finger tip, (Y/n)'s eyes widening in bewilderment as he lit the lantern.
Todoroki looked up for her expression, expecting horror, shock... Fear?

But no, all he saw was amazement, her eyes filled with a childlike wonder towards his ability as a new excitement overtook her and she moved to hold the other end of the lantern.

And once it was ready, they lifted the lantern into the sky.

(Y/n)'s eyes following the flower engraved lantern as it joined the others. Todoroki on the other hand wasn't staring at the lanterns but instead found himself watching you.

Only snapping out of his trance when you turned to him "Todoroki." She called his name.

"Everything today was perfect. I'm so happy." The reflection of lights danced in her gaze.

A crimson hue flowed over both of their cheeks as they continued to breathlessly smile at eachother, (Y/n)'s head turning to admire the hundreds of lanterns in the sky once more.


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