Chapter Thirty-Nine

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—First Person POV.—

"Shoto I.." I breathed, bringing my hand up to cover his hand that held my face "I can't."

His face fell, his brows furrowing at my answer as he stared at me "What are you so worried about?" I questioned and he gave my other hand a light squeeze.

"That you will be killed. The humans will for sure use you to get revenge on me— And there will be all kinds of assassination attempts, can you survive them all safely?" He rambled and I chuckled.

"Protect me then."

"Determination isn't enough." He sighed, pausing in thought before his eyes lit up again "I just won't make you my partner."

"What—" "Half a century from now— No, at least seventy.. Eighty years to be safe. I will not make you my partner until then." He promised while my eyes widened in disbelief.

"..You do know I'll be like— Old and wrinkly then, right??" He tilted his head "Were you planning on dumping me the moment you got old?"

"I think you'll probably dump me by then, won't you?" I deadpanned and he shook his head "Let's make this clear. If I'm going to be dumped later— Since you prefer a human, I'd rather make an oath now and kill myself and you."

"WHAT, YOU'RE JOKING—" "Link my inhalation to your inhalation." He muttered, raising one of his eyebrows in a taunting manner "Shoto??" I questioned half panicky as I watched him.

"Link my exhalation to your exhalation—"  "Is that the spell?? STOP." I cut in, letting go of his hands to cover his mouth "You didn't seem to believe me." He states once I bring my hands back down.

I let out a huff as I flopped back onto the couch "As hard as it can be. You need to think long and hard about this, when I get old my hair will turn white." He shrugs "It'll be very pretty, like fresh snow."

"What if I get very lazy and become so fat I won't want to move?" "Then I'll have more to hold." He shoots right back and I glance over to him.

We stare at each other in silence for a second before I sit up "I might consider it."

He tilts his head, watching me in excitement "We still have a lot of time together. If in the future we get married and I think we could do it. I might immortal for you." I speak up.

Oddly enough, he's quiet this time, the words processing in his mind before he partially nods in understanding "If that's what you want then.."

"One hundred."

"What?" "If you die before you reach one hundred years old, I'll have to smash all the humans." He promises and I have to do a spit take.

"Smash?? What?" I stutter out a laugh at his completely serious face.

Once I'm finally able to breathe again I lean forward and drag him into a hug "If I get assassinated. You better get revenge for me." I chuckle and feel him nod into my shoulder "Okay, I promise."

"Do you think Ibara can help cure me?"

"She can. I'm sure she can get rid of it all— But you will feel pain. I'm sorry, it's a pain you didn't need to suffer.. I'm so sorry." He apologizes a couple more times, burying his face into my neck.

"It's fine. I'll deal with that part, you just need to get Ibara here." I sigh, running my fingers through his hair.

—Time Skip.—

"Hello Elder Todoroki, Sister, it's been a while." Ibara greets, glancing around the room "It's so dark in here. Why are the lights.." She started to question but stopped once she approached me.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now