Chapter Fourty

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—First Person POV.—

"I think that's the best option." He states, staring at me as if he was attempting to solidify his words but after locking eyes with me, he hesitantly grabs my outstretched hand and looks down at it.

"That's what I think, but.." He's holding my hand as if it's the most fragile jewel in all of the realm, cradling it with the both of his as he leaned down.

"That is one thing I just cannot do." He kneels to the floor, kissing the back of my hand and allowing me to cup the side of his face, his body melting into my touch.

"I just can't let you go."

"This'll be the last time I'm being selfish. I'll do everything you say hereafter." He promises, leaning into my touch and staring up at me with pleading eyes "Please let me stay with you."

I let out the breath I was holding in relief "You threatened me and said I can't leave you that much— But you thought of leaving me just because I slept for a few days?" I state, wanting to laugh.

"I'm not kidding. I'm saying I know you'll suffer because of me, but I still can't let you go." He sighs, closing his eyes as he continued to lean into my hand.

"Wow, how scary." I chuckle and he seems to ignore me 'Seeing all of those injuries on me really scared him, huh?' I bring my hand out to cup the other side of his once tensed face.

"The thing that makes every single person in this world special, is our traits." I speak up, watching him lift his head a bit as he opens his eyes to look at me "Through different experiences, everyone grows different mindsets— Some are aggressive and enjoy taking risks while others wish to pursue what they want and so on."

"You seem to want me to live the best life." I smile, caressing his temple a bit "But just like everyone— I think and see different."

He gently guided my hand down and places another kiss on the back of my knuckles "I will live a happy life." I proclaim and the room warms.

He stands and cups the side of my face "And I will love you till the very end."

—Time Skip.—

Maids filled the halls, running back and forth while banners and streamers where being set up all around  the castle.

I sat in a luxurious dress, eyeing the mirror in front of me while Renee pulled out various accessories that matched my dress "What's with the big fuss?" I questioned, tilting my head in her direction as she walked off to get a different flower.

"He probably wants to brag." She answers while rummaging through the drawers of jewelry and baskets of flowers "About what?" My brows furrowed in confusion as she turns around.

"You, My Lady, and him who had earned your heart." For once, her face had brightened, a warm smile adorning her usually vacant features as she approached me.

A smile warmed my cheeks, my eyes lighting up in both excitement and slight embarrassment as I turned back to the mirror "Who will all be coming?" I ask.

"All who aided Lord Todoroki in the battle against AFO." She answered, her smile still present "You've never told me about that battle." I comment, raising my eyebrow in hopes I would get a story time.

"That is a story for another time." She chuckled, watching me huff but continue to smile nonetheless "Fine, but you better tell me later." I playfully demand and she nods.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now