Chapter Thirty-Eight

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🕺Watch out there's a little self harm🕺

—Third Person POV.—

Todoroki sat alone in his office, eyeing the last few pills in his drawer.

Only three days remained.


(Y/n) drew in a shaky breath "I'm okay, It was just a nightmare, that's all.." She rubbed her tired eyes.

'I didn't expect she'd gain my memories until after she became immortal..' Todoroki watched her 'I should calm her down first..' He thought as he grabbed her chin and leaned in for a kiss.

Oddly enough, she turned away "Sorry, but don't kiss me for a while." She grumbled and he nodded.

'Why am I so nervous?' He wondered as he pulled her into a hug 'Shouldn't I be elated and happy that my dream will come true?'

'I definitely do have some beautiful memories.' He thought, remembering his adventures alongside Izuku, Bakugo, Tsuyu, Uraraka, Iida.. Everyone he had fought side to side with to rid the world of its Evil.

'But that's a very small part.' He recalled everything else he had gone through or done before meeting them.

He drew in a shaky breath 'Which memory did you see to make you look so terrified..?'

—End of Flashback.—

'Once she becomes an immortal Ender, she can never die or feel human again..' He thought, quietly staring at the three bottles of pills, the windows of his room slowly freezing over as he clenched and unclenched his fist.

'How will she look at me once she figures out the truth..?' He asked himself before remembering the countless times she had forgiven him already, but the minor thought of not being forgiven this time itched at his brain—

'No, she'll forgive me again this time, too.' He quickly shook the thought from his brain as he stood up from his desk and closed the drawer 'I must hurry before Ibara comes.'

'First, I'll go calm her down in person.'

—First Person POV.—

'I thought my eyesight just got better.' I glanced at the window of my room, the moonlight had pushed through the curtains.

'My eyes always hurt whenever I looked at the sun— That's normal but recently.. I thought I was just tired.' I hugged my knees to my chest.

Suddenly as soon as I closed my eyes I saw a man standing over me, his figure seemed to pop up often but I don't know who he is, the flames dancing across his face and shoulders were clearly evident as he scowled down at me..


I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand, that's when I noticed the glowing.

The soft hue of color painting my skin— Getting stronger and weaker with each passing second, it almost looked like the light was dancing on my hand.

'Oh no.' I stood up and tripped as I ran to my mirror, looking at myself in the reflective glass.

The colors in my eyes flickered back and forth almost as if it was fighting with itself.

I dropped my hand onto the desk and accidentally ended up cutting myself "Ouch, damnit!" I whispered out a curse. I need to calm down.

I breathed, it's getting harder and harder to control this, I blinked and was suddenly back in my bed, particles fluttering down to the sheets around me.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now